This sample is experimental and may not work on all browsers. Visit
to determine if the drag/drop and file access capabilities used in this sample are available for your browser.
The sample uses several HTML5 technologies to access files from disk, read them then drag and drop them onto the map control for display. To test the sample drag an image or a csv file with latitude/longitude fields from windows explorer to the map. Note that images are rendered on the map as picture marker symbols and csv files with valid latitude/longitude fields are displayed as a graphics layer. You can also drag/drop map and feature services onto the map for display.
The map is set up as a drop zone and executes the handleDropfunction when a file is dropped on the map. The handleDropfunction determines which type of file was dropped then processes the drop input for display on the map.
A .NET handler is used to return the uploaded csv file in base64 format. Download the zip file to view the handler code.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no">
<title>File Access with Drag and Drop</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/layout.css" />
<script src=""></script>
var map;
function (
esriConfig, domUtils, Graphic, InfoTemplate, Map, request, urlUtils,
InfoWindowLite, Multipoint, Point, webMercatorUtils, ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer,
ArcGISImageServiceLayer, FeatureLayer, PictureMarkerSymbol, dom, domConstruct,
JSON, on, parser, arrayUtils, lang, CsvStore, base64
) {
//list of lat and lon field strings
var latFieldStrings = ["lat", "latitude", "y", "ycenter"];
var longFieldStrings = ["lon", "long", "longitude", "x", "xcenter"];
on(dom.byId("clearButton"), "click", clearAll);
map = new Map("mapCanvas", {
basemap: "topo",
center: [-103.272, 39.096],
zoom: 4,
slider: false
map.infoWindow.resize(275, 175);
function setupDropZone () {
// Let's verify that we have proper browser support, before
// moving ahead. You can also use a library like Modernizr
// to detect browser capabilities:
if (!window.File || !window.FileReader) {'msg'));
var mapCanvas = dom.byId("mapCanvas");
// Reference
on(mapCanvas, "dragenter", function (event) {
// If we don't prevent default behavior here, browsers will
// perform the default action for the file being dropped i.e,
// point the page to the file.
on(mapCanvas, "dragover", function (event) {
on(mapCanvas, "drop", handleDrop);
function handleDrop (event) {
console.log("Drop: ", event);
// Reference
var dataTransfer = event.dataTransfer,
files = dataTransfer.files,
types = dataTransfer.types;
// File drop?
if (files && files.length === 1) {
console.log("[ FILES ]");
var file = files[0]; // that's right I'm only reading one file
console.log("type = ", file.type);
if (file.type.indexOf("image/") !== -1) {
handleImage(file, event.layerX, event.layerY);
else if (".csv") !== -1) {
// Textual drop?
else if (types) {
console.log("[ TYPES ]");
console.log(" Length = ", types.length);
arrayUtils.forEach(types, function (type) {
if (type) {
console.log(" Type: ", type);
console.log(" Data: ", dataTransfer.getData(type));
// We're looking for URLs only.
var url;
arrayUtils.some(types, function (type) {
if (type.indexOf("text/uri-list") !== -1) {
url = dataTransfer.getData("text/uri-list");
return true;
else if (type.indexOf("text/x-moz-url") !== -1) {
url = dataTransfer.getData("text/plain");
return true;
else if (type.indexOf("text/plain") !== -1) {
url = dataTransfer.getData("text/plain");
url = url.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
if (url.indexOf("https") === 0) {
return true;
return false;
if (url) {
url = url.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
// Check if this URL is a google search result.
// If so, parse it and extract the actual URL
// to the search result
if (url.indexOf("") !== -1) {
var obj = urlUtils.urlToObject(url);
if (obj && obj.query && obj.query.url) {
url = obj.query.url;
if (url.match(/MapServer\/?$/i)) {
// ArcGIS Server Map Service?
else if (url.match(/(Map|Feature)Server\/\d+\/?$/i)) {
// ArcGIS Server Map/Feature Service Layer?
else if (url.match(/ImageServer\/?$/i)) {
// ArcGIS Server Image Service?
function handleImage (file, x, y) {
console.log("Processing IMAGE: ", file, ", ",, ", ", file.type, ", ", file.size);
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function () {
console.log("Finished reading the image");
// Create an image element just to find out the image
// dimension before adding it as a graphic
var img = domConstruct.create("img");
img.onload = function () {
var width = img.width,
height = img.height;
console.log("Image dimensions: ", width, ", ", height);
// Add a graphic with this image as its symbol
var symbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(reader.result,
width > 64 ? 64 : width,
height > 64 ? 64 : height);
var point = map.toMap(new Point(x, y));
var graphic = new Graphic(point, symbol);;
img.src = reader.result;
// Note that it's possible to monitor read progress as well:
function handleMapServer (url) {
console.log("Processing MS: ", url);
var layer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(url, {
opacity: 0.75
function handleFeatureLayer (url) {
console.log("Processing FL: ", url);
var layer = new FeatureLayer(url, {
opacity: 0.75,
mode: FeatureLayer.MODE_ONDEMAND,
infoTemplate: new InfoTemplate(null, "${*}")
function handleImageService (url) {
console.log("Processing IS: ", url);
var layer = new ArcGISImageServiceLayer(url, {
opacity: 0.75
function handleCSV (file) {
console.log("Processing CSV: ", file, ", ",, ", ", file.type, ", ", file.size);
if ( {
var decoded = bytesToString(base64.decode(;
else {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function () {
console.log("Finished reading CSV data");
var bytesToString = function (b) {
console.log("bytes to string");
var s = [];
arrayUtils.forEach(b, function (c) {
return s.join("");
function processCSVData (data) {
var newLineIndex = data.indexOf("\n");
var firstLine = lang.trim(data.substr(0, newLineIndex)); //remove extra whitespace, not sure if I need to do this since I threw out space delimiters
var separator = getSeparator(firstLine);
var csvStore = new CsvStore({
data: data,
separator: separator
onComplete: function (items) {
var objectId = 0;
var featureCollection = generateFeatureCollectionTemplateCSV(csvStore, items);
var popupInfo = generateDefaultPopupInfo(featureCollection);
var infoTemplate = new InfoTemplate(buildInfoTemplate(popupInfo));
var latField, longField;
var fieldNames = csvStore.getAttributes(items[0]);
arrayUtils.forEach(fieldNames, function (fieldName) {
var matchId;
matchId = arrayUtils.indexOf(latFieldStrings,
if (matchId !== -1) {
latField = fieldName;
matchId = arrayUtils.indexOf(longFieldStrings,
if (matchId !== -1) {
longField = fieldName;
// Add records in this CSV store as graphics
arrayUtils.forEach(items, function (item) {
var attrs = csvStore.getAttributes(item),
attributes = {};
// Read all the attributes for this record/item
arrayUtils.forEach(attrs, function (attr) {
var value = Number(csvStore.getValue(item, attr));
attributes[attr] = isNaN(value) ? csvStore.getValue(item, attr) : value;
attributes["__OBJECTID"] = objectId;
var latitude = parseFloat(attributes[latField]);
var longitude = parseFloat(attributes[longField]);
if (isNaN(latitude) || isNaN(longitude)) {
var geometry = webMercatorUtils
.geographicToWebMercator(new Point(longitude, latitude));
var feature = {
"geometry": geometry.toJson(),
"attributes": attributes
var featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(featureCollection, {
infoTemplate: infoTemplate,
id: 'csvLayer'
featureLayer.__popupInfo = popupInfo;
onError: function (error) {
console.error("Error fetching items from CSV store: ", error);
function generateFeatureCollectionTemplateCSV (store, items) {
//create a feature collection for the input csv file
var featureCollection = {
"layerDefinition": null,
"featureSet": {
"features": [],
"geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint"
featureCollection.layerDefinition = {
"geometryType": "esriGeometryPoint",
"objectIdField": "__OBJECTID",
"type": "Feature Layer",
"typeIdField": "",
"drawingInfo": {
"renderer": {
"type": "simple",
"symbol": {
"type": "esriPMS",
"url": "",
"imageData": "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",
"contentType": "image/png",
"width": 15,
"height": 15
"fields": [
"name": "__OBJECTID",
"alias": "__OBJECTID",
"type": "esriFieldTypeOID",
"editable": false,
"domain": null
"types": [],
"capabilities": "Query"
var fields = store.getAttributes(items[0]);
arrayUtils.forEach(fields, function (field) {
var value = store.getValue(items[0], field);
var parsedValue = Number(value);
if (isNaN(parsedValue)) { //check first value and see if it is a number
"name": field,
"alias": field,
"type": "esriFieldTypeString",
"editable": true,
"domain": null
else {
"name": field,
"alias": field,
"type": "esriFieldTypeDouble",
"editable": true,
"domain": null
return featureCollection;
function generateDefaultPopupInfo (featureCollection) {
var fields = featureCollection.layerDefinition.fields;
var decimal = {
'esriFieldTypeDouble': 1,
'esriFieldTypeSingle': 1
var integer = {
'esriFieldTypeInteger': 1,
'esriFieldTypeSmallInteger': 1
var dt = {
'esriFieldTypeDate': 1
var displayField = null;
var fieldInfos =,
lang.hitch(this, function (item) {
if ( === "NAME") {
displayField =;
var visible = (item.type !== "esriFieldTypeOID" &&
item.type !== "esriFieldTypeGlobalID" &&
item.type !== "esriFieldTypeGeometry");
var format = null;
if (visible) {
var f =;
var hideFieldsStr = ",stretched value,fnode_,tnode_,lpoly_,rpoly_,poly_,subclass,subclass_,rings_ok,rings_nok,";
if (hideFieldsStr.indexOf("," + f + ",") > -1 ||
f.indexOf("area") > -1 || f.indexOf("length") > -1 ||
f.indexOf("shape") > -1 || f.indexOf("perimeter") > -1 ||
f.indexOf("objectid") > -1 || f.indexOf("_") == f.length - 1 ||
f.indexOf("_i") == f.length - 2) {
visible = false;
if (item.type in integer) {
format = {
places: 0,
digitSeparator: true
else if (item.type in decimal) {
format = {
places: 2,
digitSeparator: true
else if (item.type in dt) {
format = {
dateFormat: 'shortDateShortTime'
return lang.mixin({}, {
label: item.alias,
isEditable: false,
tooltip: "",
visible: visible,
format: format,
stringFieldOption: 'textbox'
var popupInfo = {
title: displayField ? '{' + displayField + '}' : '',
fieldInfos: fieldInfos,
description: null,
showAttachments: false,
mediaInfos: []
return popupInfo;
function buildInfoTemplate (popupInfo) {
var json = {
content: "<table>"
arrayUtils.forEach(popupInfo.fieldInfos, function (field) {
if (field.visible) {
json.content += "<tr><td valign='top'>" + field.label +
": <\/td><td valign='top'>${" + field.fieldName + "}<\/td><\/tr>";
json.content += "<\/table>";
return json;
function clearAll () {;
var layerIds = map.graphicsLayerIds.slice(0);
layerIds = layerIds.concat(map.layerIds.slice(1));
arrayUtils.forEach(layerIds, function (layerId) {
function getSeparator (string) {
var separators = [",", " ", ";", "|"];
var maxSeparatorLength = 0;
var maxSeparatorValue = "";
arrayUtils.forEach(separators, function (separator) {
var length = string.split(separator).length;
if (length > maxSeparatorLength) {
maxSeparatorLength = length;
maxSeparatorValue = separator;
return maxSeparatorValue;
function zoomToData (featureLayer) {
// Zoom to the collective extent of the data
var multipoint = new Multipoint(map.spatialReference);
arrayUtils.forEach(, function (graphic) {
var geometry = graphic.geometry;
if (geometry) {
x: geometry.x,
y: geometry.y
if (multipoint.points.length > 0) {
map.setExtent(multipoint.getExtent().expand(1.25), true);
<body class="claro">
<div id="mainWindow" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/BorderContainer" data-dojo-props="design:'headline',gutters:false"
style="width:100%; height:100%;">
<div id="header" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" data-dojo-props="region:'top'">
<div id="title">Drag and Drop Demo</div>
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" id="rightPane" data-dojo-props="region:'right'">
<p style="padding:4px;"><span>Drag and drop services, images or a csv file with latitude/longitude information
from windows explorer to the map.</span>
<div id='msg' style='color:red;display:none;padding:4px;'> 'You are using a browser that
doesn't support drag/drop use the file upload box below to add your csv:'
<form id="uploadForm" style='display:none;padding:4px;' method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="file" name="data" id="inFile" size="15" />
<span id="status"></span>
<div id="fileInfo"> </div>
<p style='padding:4px;'>Note: The CSV file must store the location in fields with one of the following
<br />
<b>latitude fields:</b>lat, latitude, y, ycenter
<br />
<b>longitude fields:</b>lon, long, longitude, x, xcenter
<br />
<p style='padding:4px;'>To test the sample USGS provides real-time earthquake information in various
formats, including csv. Download one of the csv files to your machine then
drag/drop to display. Here's a test csv file for earthquakes with a magnitude
greater than 5.
<a target="_blank" href="data/earthquakes.csv">Recent Earthquakes</a>. Visit the USGS Latest Earthquakes: Feeds &
<a target='_blank' href=""> page </a>for more details.</p>
<div id="mapCanvas" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" data-dojo-props="region:'center'">
<div id="clearButton" class="roundedCorner">
<span>Clear Map</span>