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Use Heat Maps


The HeatmapRenderer creates a surface using a standard Gaussian blur algorithm used in data visualization for illustrating areas of concentration within datasets. (Added at version 3.11 of the JS API)


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  <title>FeatureLayer using HeatmapRenderer</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.arcgis.com/3.26/dijit/themes/claro/claro.css">
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    html, body, #map {
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
      margin: 0;
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  <script src="https://js.arcgis.com/3.26/"></script>
    var map;
      function (InfoTemplate, FeatureLayer, Map, HeatmapRenderer){

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        // Formatting functions for attribute values in the InfoWindow
        // Data is not what you expect, turn your dirty data into
        // readable stuff in the infowindow
        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
        formatFatalities = function (value, key, data){
          var result = value > 1 ? value + " people " : value + " person ";
          return result;
        formatGender = function (value, key, data){
          var lookup = {1: "male", 2: "female", 8: "unknown", 9: "unknown"};
          return lookup[value];
        formatConditions = function (value, key, data){
          var lookup = {0: "No Additional Atmospheric Conditions", 1: "Clear", 2: "Rain", 3: "Sleet, Hail (Freezing Rain or Drizzle)", 4: "Snow", 5: "Fog, Smog, Smoke", 6: "Severe Crosswinds", 7: "Blowing Sand, Soil, Dirt", 8: "Other", 10: "Cloudy", 11: "Blowing Snow", 98: "Not Reported", 99: "Unknown"};
          if (value !== 1) {
            return "Road conditions: " + lookup[value] + "<br>";
        formatWorkZone = function (value, key, data){
          var lookup = {0: "None", 1: "Construction", 2: "Maintenance", 3: "Utility", 4: "Work Zone, Type Unknown"};
          if (value !== 0) {
            return "Work Zone: " + lookup[value] + "<br>";
        formatAlcoholTestResults = function (value, key, data){
          // --------------------------------------------------------------------
          // The field is a string and we only want values of 8 - 94 since the
          // California legal limit is 0.08% BAC. If value is between 8 and 94
          // then we will report that they were over the legal limit.
          // --------------------------------------------------------------------
          var isMatch = value.match(/\b(?!9[5-9])[0-9][0-9]\b|\b[8-9]{1}\b/m);
          if (isMatch) {
            return "Driver was over the legal limit for alcohol";

        map = new Map("map", {
          basemap: "gray",
          center: [-119.11, 36.65],
          zoom: 7,
          minZoom: 7,
          maxZoom: 9
        var infoContentDesc = "<p>${numfatal:formatFatalities} died when a ${age} year old ${sex:formatGender} was involved in a fatal speeding accident.</p>";
        var infoContentDetails = "${atmcond:formatConditions}${conszone:formatWorkZone}${alcres:formatAlcoholTestResults}";
        var infoContent = infoContentDesc + infoContentDetails;
        var infoTemplate = new InfoTemplate("Accident details", infoContent);

        var serviceURL = "//services.arcgis.com/V6ZHFr6zdgNZuVG0/arcgis/rest/services/2012_CA_NHTSA/FeatureServer/0";
        var heatmapFeatureLayerOptions = {
          mode: FeatureLayer.MODE_SNAPSHOT,
          infoTemplate: infoTemplate,
          outFields: [
        var heatmapFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(serviceURL, heatmapFeatureLayerOptions);
        var heatmapRenderer = new HeatmapRenderer();
    <div id="map"></div>
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