This sample demonstrates how to use the GeoEnrichment service helper method for obtaining geography IDs and features for the supported geographic levels. These IDs can then be used together with other information (parameters) to specify a study area and enrich a geographic region or area. Additional information on this can be found
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#map {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
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var map, layer;
], function (
) {
// valid credentials needed to access the geoenrichment service from ArcGIS Online
proxyUrl: "/sproxy/",
urlPrefix: ""
var standardGeographyQueryTask = new StandardGeographyQueryTask();
function executeStandardGeographyTask(queryItem) {
if (layer) {
return standardGeographyQueryTask.execute(queryItem.query).then(function (result) {
var fs = result.featureSet;
if (fs.features.length > 0) {
layer = new FeatureLayer({
layerDefinition: {
geometryType: fs.geometryType,
fields: fs.fields
featureSet: {
features: fs.features,
geometryType: fs.geometryType
var color = new Color(queryItem.color);
color.a = 0.8;
map = new Map("map", {
basemap: "dark-gray",
center: [-119.11, 36.65],
zoom: 4
map.on("load", function () {
var queries = new Memory({
idProperty: "label",
data: [{
query: new GeographyQuery({
countryID: "IT",
generalizationLevel: "1",
geographyLayerIDs: ["IT.Postcodes2"],
outSR: map.spatialReference,
returnGeometry: "true",
where: "Perugia"
color: "#1f77b4",
label: "Perugia, Italy"
}, {
query: new GeographyQuery({
countryID: "IE",
generalizationLevel: "1",
geographyLayerIDs: ["IE.RegionalAuthorities"],
outSR: map.spatialReference,
returnGeometry: "true",
where: "Dublin"
color: "#ff7f0e",
label: "Dublin, Ireland"
}, {
query: new GeographyQuery({
countryID: "FR",
generalizationLevel: "6",
geographyLayerIDs: ["FR.Postcodes2","FR.Postcodes5"],
outSR: map.spatialReference,
returnGeometry: "true",
where: "Montauban"
color: "#2ca02c",
label: "Montauban, France"
}, {
query: new GeographyQuery({
countryID: "SE",
generalizationLevel: "6",
geographyLayerIDs: ["SE.Postcodes2"],
outSR: map.spatialReference,
returnGeometry: "true",
where: "Lund"
color: "#d62728",
label: "Lund, Sweden"
}, {
query: new GeographyQuery({
countryID: "US",
generalizationLevel: "6",
geographyIDs: ["92129", "92126"],
geographyLayerIDs: ["US.ZIP5"],
outSR: map.spatialReference,
returnGeometry: "true"
color: "#8c564b",
label: "San Diego, California, US ZipCodes"
}, {
query: new SubGeographyQuery({
countryID: "US",
filterGeographyIDs: ["06059"],
filterGeographyLayerID: "US.Counties",
generalizationLevel: "6",
outSR: map.spatialReference,
returnCentroids: "true",
returnGeometry: "true",
subGeographyLayerID: "US.Tracts"
color: "#e377c2",
label: "Orange County, CA, US(Census Tracts) centroids"
}, {
query: new GeographyQuery({
countryID: "US",
generalizationLevel: "6",
geographyLayerIDs: ["US.Counties"],
outSR: map.spatialReference,
returnGeometry: "true",
where: "orange"
color: "#bcbd22",
label: "US Counties that contain term \"Orange\""
}, {
query: new GeographyQuery({
countryID: "US",
generalizationLevel: "6",
geographyLayerIDs: ["US.Counties", "US.Places"],
outSR: map.spatialReference,
returnGeometry: "true",
where: "orange"
color: "#17becf",
label: "US Counties and Cities that contain term \"Orange\""
}, {
query: new GeographyQuery({
countryID: "US",
generalizationLevel: "6",
geographyLayerIDs: ["US.Counties"],
outSR: map.spatialReference,
returnGeometry: "true",
where: "San"
color: "#aec7e8",
label: "US Counties that contain term \"San\""
}, {
query: new GeographyQuery({
countryID: "US",
generalizationLevel: "6",
geographyLayerIDs: ["US.Counties"],
outSR: map.spatialReference,
returnGeometry: "true",
where: "Name:'Orange County' AND MajorSubdivisionAbbr:CA"
color: "#ffbb78",
label: "US Counties terms \"Orange County\" and \"CA\""
}, {
query: new GeographyQuery({
countryID: "US",
generalizationLevel: "6",
geographyLayerIDs: ["US.States"],
outSR: map.spatialReference,
returnGeometry: "true",
useFuzzySearch: "true",
where: "Kalifornia"
color: "#98df8a",
label: "US States Fuzzy Search: Kalifornia"
}, {
query: new GeographyQuery({
countryID: "US",
generalizationLevel: "6",
geographyLayerIDs: ["US.CBSA"],
outSR: map.spatialReference,
returnGeometry: "true",
where: "40140"
color: "#ff9896",
label: "CBSA: Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA"
}, {
query: new SubGeographyQuery({
countryID: "US",
filterGeographyLayerID: "US.States",
filterGeographyWhere: "California",
generalizationLevel: "6",
outSR: map.spatialReference,
returnGeometry: "true",
subGeographyLayerID: "US.Counties"
color: "#9edae5",
label: "Counties within California, United States"
new FilteringSelect({
store: queries,
placeHolder: "Select a standard geography query",
searchAttr: "label",
style: {
width: "350px",
position: "absolute",
left: "75px",
top: "20px"
onChange: function () {
var self = this;
this.set("disabled", true);
executeStandardGeographyTask(this.item).always(function () {
self.set("disabled", false);
}, "standardGeographyQuerySelect");
<div id="map"></div>
<div id="standardGeographyQuerySelect">