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Custom layer - WMTS


At version 2.4 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript a new class WMTSLayer was added to the API. This sample shows how to create a custom layer using Web Map Tile Service (WMTS) as an example.

  • A new custom layer is created that extends from the TiledMapServiceLayer to draw the WMTS tiles.
  • Next a constructor for the layer is defined. In addition to the spatial reference and extents, it defines the tileInfo object.
  • TileInfo contains information about the cache tile dimensions and scales.
  • The getTileUrl method generates a tile URL from the level, row and col arguments.


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    <title>OpenGeo WMTS Service</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.arcgis.com/3.26/dijit/themes/claro/claro.css">
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      html, body, #map {
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    <script src="https://js.arcgis.com/3.26/"></script>
      ], function (declare, Map, WMTSLayer, TiledMapServiceLayer, Extent, SpatialReference, TileInfo){

        // Create ogc.WMTSLayer custom layer
        var CustomWMTSLayer = declare([TiledMapServiceLayer], {
          declaredClass: "ogc.WMTSLayer",
          constructor: function (){
            this.copyright = '<a href="http://v2.suite.opengeo.org/geoserver/gwc/service/wmts?SERVICE=WMTS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetCapabilities">WMTS</a> served by <a href="http://opengeo.org/">OpenGeo</a>';
            this.version = "1.0.0";
            this.identifier = "usa:states";
            this.imageFormat = "image/png";
            this.tileMatrixSet = "EPSG:900913";
            this.spatialReference = new SpatialReference({wkid: 3857});
            this.initialExtent = new Extent(-20037508.342789, -20037508.342789, 20037508.342789, 20037508.342789, this.spatialReference);
            this.fullExtent = new Extent(-20037508.342789, -20037508.342789, 20037508.342789, 20037508.342789, this.spatialReference);
            this.tileInfo = new TileInfo({
              "dpi": "90.71428571427429",
              "format": "image/png",
              "compressionQuality": 0,
              "spatialReference": {
                "wkid": "3857"
              "rows": 256,
              "cols": 256,
              "origin": {
                "x": -20037508.34,
                "y": 20037508.34

              // Scales in DPI 96
              "lods": [
                  "level": 0,
                  "scale": 591657527.591555,
                  "resolution": 156543.033928
                }, {
                  "level": 1,
                  "scale": 295828763.795777,
                  "resolution": 78271.5169639999
                }, {
                  "level": 2,
                  "scale": 147914381.897889,
                  "resolution": 39135.7584820001
                }, {
                  "level": 3,
                  "scale": 73957190.948944,
                  "resolution": 19567.8792409999
                }, {
                  "level": 4,
                  "scale": 36978595.474472,
                  "resolution": 9783.93962049996
                }, {
                  "level": 5,
                  "scale": 18489297.737236,
                  "resolution": 4891.96981024998
                }, {
                  "level": 6,
                  "scale": 9244648.868618,
                  "resolution": 2445.98490512499
                }, {
                  "level": 7,
                  "scale": 4622324.434309,
                  "resolution": 1222.99245256249
                }, {
                  "level": 8,
                  "scale": 2311162.217155,
                  "resolution": 611.49622628138
                }, {
                  "level": 9,
                  "scale": 1155581.108577,
                  "resolution": 305.748113140558
                }, {
                  "level": 10,
                  "scale": 577790.554289,
                  "resolution": 152.874056570411
                }, {
                  "level": 11,
                  "scale": 288895.277144,
                  "resolution": 76.4370282850732
                }, {
                  "level": 12,
                  "scale": 144447.638572,
                  "resolution": 38.2185141425366
                }, {
                  "level": 13,
                  "scale": 72223.819286,
                  "resolution": 19.1092570712683
                }, {
                  "level": 14,
                  "scale": 36111.909643,
                  "resolution": 9.55462853563415
                }, {
                  "level": 15,
                  "scale": 18055.954822,
                  "resolution": 4.77731426794937
                }, {
                  "level": 16,
                  "scale": 9027.977411,
                  "resolution": 2.38865713397468
                }, {
                  "level": 17,
                  "scale": 4513.988705,
                  "resolution": 1.19432856685505
                }, {
                  "level": 18,
                  "scale": 2256.994353,
                  "resolution": 0.597164283559817
                }, {
                  "level": 19,
                  "scale": 1128.497176,
                  "resolution": 0.298582141647617
            this.loaded = true;

          getTileUrl: function (level, row, col){
            var urlTemplate = "http://v2.suite.opengeo.org/geoserver/gwc/service/wmts" +
              "?SERVICE=WMTS&VERSION=" + this.version +
              "&REQUEST=GetTile" +
              "&LAYER=" + this.identifier +
              "&STYLE=_null" +
              "&FORMAT=" + this.imageFormat +
              "&TILEMATRIXSET=" + this.tileMatrixSet +
              "&TILEMATRIX=" + this.tileMatrixSet + ":" +
              level + "&TILEROW=" + row + "&TILECOL=" + col;
            return urlTemplate;

        var map = new Map("map", {
          basemap: "streets",
          center: [-96.77, 36.91],
          zoom: 4

        // add WMTS layer http://v2.suite.opengeo.org/geoserver/gwc/service/wmts
        var customWMTSLayer = new CustomWMTSLayer();
  <body class="claro">
    <div id="map"></div>
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