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What's new in Version 2.0

The following are new features in version 2.0 of the ArcGIS JavaScript API.

Note: The ArcGIS JavaScript for the Google Maps API and the ArcGIS Extension for Bing Maps have no changes at version 2.0.

If you are upgrading an application from version 1.x to 2.0 see the Migrating to Version 2.0 document.

To access the full functionality of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript 2.0, ArcGIS Server 10 services are required. Basic mapping, query functionality will work fine with ArcGIS Server 9.3 or above. However, to take advantage of new functionality like editing, time-aware layers, imagery, network analysis and the new GeometryService operations you need ArcGIS Server 10 services.

Feature layers

FeatureLayers are a new type of operational layer that can be created and added to your map. FeatureLayers extend graphics layers and work against a layer or table in a MapService or FeatureService. FeatureLayers support the following functionality:

  • Selection
  • DefinitionExpression
  • Query
  • QueryRelated
  • Editing (when working with a FeatureService)

For more information, see Working with feature layers.


At 10 a new service, FeatureService, was added to support template style editing. Several widgets have been added to support editing including the Editing widget , a configurable out of the box editing solution. Additional widgets that support editing:

  • AttributeInspector: Edit the attributes with the selected features of a feature layer. Honors domains and subtypes as defined by the service.
  • Edit Toolbar: Non-UI toolbar that supports moving graphics and editing vertices.
  • TemplatePicker: Display a gallery of templates.
  • AttachmentEditor: Create view and delete attachments.

For more information, see Editing using the ArcGIS Server JavaScript API.

Time aware layers

Support has been added for time-aware layers and a new TimeSlider widget. Now you can query or display your time-aware layers using a particular slice of time. The TimeSlider provides an easy way to visualize temporal data. For more information, see Working with time-aware layers.

Additional updates

Network Analyst

Support for closest facility and service area.

Image Server

Enhanced image server capabilities.

New Samples

Lots of new samples that show how to work with the editing functionality, feature layers and the new geometry service operations.

Updates to Geometry Service

The GeometryService was greatly enhanced at 10 to support Web API client side editing. Several editing and topology operations were added to the GeometryService to support editing, such as reshape,convexHull,union and autoComplete. See the GeometryService help topic for a full list of new operations.

The lengths operation now supports geodesic distances. A distance operation was added to measure the planar or geodesic distance between geometries.

Support for WKT

Spatial Reference objects now support wkt in addition to wkid.

Bing Maps

  • Bing Maps (formerly Microsoft Virtual Earth) authentication now uses a "key" property instead of token, client, and server. No more need for the Virtual Earth Token page.
  • Bing Maps environment property has been removed since Microsoft no longer will support a staging environment.


Locator supports outSpatialReference when connected to an ArcGIS Server 10.0 and above.

Mapping Enhancements

Several mapping enhancements were added at 10 including:

  • Query enhancements include the ability to query for IDs which can be used to include paging in applications. Query performance has been improved by adding support for fast JSON and AMF formats.
  • Support for stand-alone tables.
  • Ability to expose and query relationships.
  • The identify and find operations support layer definitions.
  • The Overview Map dijit from the Esri Code Gallery was incorporated into the API.
  • Tooltips added to the Draw toolbar.

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