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What's new in Version 2.7

The following changes were made at version 2.7

Client side improvements

Map navigation: Superpan is used on Apple trackpads. Refer to the map navigation conceptual help topic for more info. This navigation mode is enabled by default for machines that support it. The major changes are that a two-finger swipe/drag causes the map to pan instead of zoom in/out. To zoom in/out, hold shift + two-finger drag.

Feature layers: ONDEMAND mode feature layers automatically and appropriately generalize features. Refer to the Feature Layer best practices conceptual help topic, specifically the generalizing features section, for a more detailed explanation.

Tiled map services: more efficient loading of tiles from map services hosted on arcgis.com

esri.request now has the ability to upload files.

Breaking Change: The identity manager now requires SSL. Any app that uses the identity manager requires https.

Support for additional ArcGIS Server 10.1 features

Support for dynamic layers. Dynamic layers allow client applications to specify new renderers for data, add data from registered workspace and join data from other resources published with ArcGIS Server.

Support for Geodatabase Versions. The ArcGIS API for JavaScript's various layers (dynamic map services and feature layers) as well as tasks (find, identify and query) can now be set to refer to a specific Geodatabase version.

Geodesic buffering with a geometry service.

Improved documentation

Feature Layers best practices. This information was previously available on the ArcGIS Server blog but has been added to the official SDK documentation.

Recommendations for dealing with large numbers of map graphics.

Why is the ArcGIS API for JavaScript built using Dojo? Some unique features of dojo are listed, as well as options for integrating the ArcGIS API for JavaScript with other JavaScript libraries.

Additions and changes to samples:

Bug Fixes

Bug fixes for 2.7 include:

  • NIM077013: Unable to insert a point at the end of a path that uses esri.geometry.Polyline.insertPoint().
  • NIM077616: [Canvas] Graphics disappear when browser window is resized. They become visible when you pan/zoom afterwards.
  • NIM077614: IdentityManager: add error codes when returning Error objects.
  • NIM077615: IE 10 support: enable CORS. Fix tile layer to cleanup after fade animation when map navigation mode is "css-transforms"

Dojo 1.6.1

Version 2.7 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript continues to use Dojo 1.6.1.

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