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What's new in Version 3.2

The following changes were made at version 3.2:


Support for pinch zoom on Android 3+

Android devices running Honeycomb or Ice Cream Sandwich can now use pinch gestures to zoom.

Re-factored CSS

Previously, stylesheets for most components and widgets in the API were dynamically appended to the DOM. This resulted in having to use !important to override default styles. Because of this change, apps using version 3.2 of the API must now include a link to esri.css. Refer to the conceptual help on using the API's CSS files for additional information. If this CSS file is not included with apps using 3.2, there will be several display issues. The most common is that tiled services do not display correctly, as shown in this screen shot:

ArcGIS Portal API classes are now AMD compliant

At the 3.2 release, the ArcGIS Portal API classes are AMD-compliant. Although this may be the first time you've heard of AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition), we recommend that you get familiar with it. Sitepen's AMD: The Definitive Source and How To Migrate a Module to AMD are both good resources. The ArcGIS API for JavaScript conceptual help topic on AMD is another good resource. Additional API modules will be AMD compliant at a future release. See link below to a sample showing AMD-style usage of Portal classes.

GeoRSS and Web Tiled layer classes

See below for links to new samples using these classes.

New Samples

Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • NIM080545: TextSymbol doesn't show up in IE8 while using font size units are em.
  • NIM084025: API components should not programmatically inject their CSS dependencies.
  • NIM084027: Dynamic layers should honor custom scale dependencies
  • NIM084030: When setLayerDefinition is called on a Feature Layer created from a feature collection, log a message saying that the method is not supported.
  • NIM084060: Support pinch gesture to zoom on Android 3+ and Firefox mobile
  • NIM084061: Print task should not print hidden graphics.
  • NIM084062: Calling activate/deactivate on drawToolbar breaks map navigation.
  • NIM084063: Snapping Manager needs to honor feature layer visibility.
  • NIM084064: GeometryService.project should support the transformForward parameter.
  • NIM084066: Enhance Legend widget to support dynamic layers.
  • NIM084071: Portal: convert classes to AMD
  • NIM084426: Attribution widget should not use cursor: pointer when the attribution widget cannot be expanded.

Dojo 1.7

Version 3.2 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript uses Dojo 1.7.

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