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Create a map tool

Legacy: This topic discusses extending operation views created using the Windows version Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS. This version of the application has been moved to Mature Support status. To learn more about the latest web-based version, see Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS.

A map tool in an operation view allows users to interact with a map widget. For example, the measure tool allows users to find the length or area of a shape that they define on a map widget. In this tutorial, you'll develop, style, and test a buffer map tool. The map tool calculates and displays buffer rings around a point drawn on the map.

Completed map tool

View tutorial files

Before you begin, you must set up your development environment for Windows Operations Dashboard and prepare it to run in developer mode. 

Create files for the map tool

In the extensions folder that you created in the Set up a development environment tutorial, create a folder called bufferMapTool, and create the following files in that folder:

  • buffer.json—The manifest file for the extension. A JSON file that describes how the extension should be activated and used in an operation view.
  • buffer.html—An HTML5 file that represents the UI of the map tool that will load when the tool finishes initialization.
  • bufferMapToolTemplate.html—An HTML fragment included in the buffer.html file. The template contains details of the map tool’s UI, and its business logic is included in the BufferMapTool.js file.
  • BufferMapTool.js—A JavaScript file that defines the buffer map tool class, which will be created as a Dojo widget, or a dijit (the term "widget" here has no association with the concept of widgets in operation views). A map tool dijit is created each time a user clicks on it from the map toolbar.
  • style.css—A CSS file that defines the style of the map tool.
  • icon.png—A 16px by 16px PNG (or JPG) image file that will be the icon of the map tool.
  • pushpin.png—A PNG (or JPG) image file that indicates the location the user clicked on the map. The recommended size of the file is 15px by 30px.

Note: You can assign different names to the above files.

Configure the manifest

Open the buffer.json file, or the manifest file, in your IDE and add the following text:

  "type": "Map Tool",
  "title": "Buffer Map Tool",
  "description": "A map tool that creates buffers from a clicked point",
  "usePortalServices": true,
  "runtime": {
    "iconPath": "icon.png",
    "path": "buffer.html",
    "viewType": "toolbar"
  "credits": "By Esri (http://www.esri.com)"


  • The type property determines the type of the extension, in this case, the extension is a map tool. Make sure the capitalization and the spelling of the words "Map Tool" are exactly the same as shown in the sample above, otherwise the tool will not load.
  • The usePortalServices property indicates whether an extension will use any utility services such as the geometry service configured for the organization.

    Note: For this map tool to work, this property must be set to true.

  • The runtime object describes the icon (icon.png) and the UI (buffer.html) of the map tool. Their paths are relative to that of the manifest file. The "viewType" property indicates the type of map tool. In this case, the default map toolbar is replaced with a custom toolbar.

To learn more about the manifest file properties, see Manifest file.

Create the user interface

  1. Open the buffer.html file, and add the following text to set up the basic structure of the HTML5 file:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <meta charset=utf-8">
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
    </body> </html>
  2. Between the <body> tags, create a <div> and add a data-dojo-type attribute with the value extension/BufferMapTool. This attribute is used to instantiate an extension/BufferMapTool object that comes from the buffer map tool dijit you'll create in the BufferMapTool.js file.
    <div data-dojo-type="extension/BufferMapTool"></div>
  3. Open the bufferMapToolTemplate.html file, and add the following HTML fragment. It defines the UI of the buffer tool dijit. The UI consists of a label and a Done button. The button has a data-dojo-attach-event attribute that attaches the button to the deactivateMapTool method that will be defined in the BufferMapTool.js file.
<div class="table">
  <div class="table-cell labelContainer">
    Click on the map to create three buffers for the clicked location.
  <div class="table-cell buttonContainer">
    <button data-dojo-attach-event="onClick:deactivateMapTool">Done</button>

Add programming logic

  1. Open the buffer.html file and insert the following <script> block before the closing <body> tag. The script block contains the dojoConfig object that will load the buffer tool dijit. To learn more about dojoConfig, see Dojo Toolkit documentation.

      var dojoConfig = {
        async: true,
        paths: {
          "extension": location.pathname.replace(/\/[^/]+$/, '')
    Note: Within the paths object, the URI of the extension folder is referenced as "extension". This is used to construct the relative path to the buffer tool dijit (that is, extension/BufferMapTool) in the dojo-data-type attribute of the <div> element in this file.

  2. Under the <script> block from the previous step, add another <script> block referencing the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. You must load the dojoConfig before loading the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, otherwise the dojoConfig will be ignored.
    <script src="//js.arcgis.com/3.26/"></script>
  3. Inside of another <script> block, add the Dojo parser:
    		, function(parser){
  4. Open the BufferMapTool.js file, and add a define function. This will be used to define the buffer map tool dijit. This function loads the dependent modules and passes the modules as parameters in a callback function.
    ], function (declare, lang, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin,
      MapToolProxy, BufferParameters, GeometryService, Color,
      SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, PictureMarkerSymbol, Graphic, templateString
    ) {
  5. Declare a class name BufferMapTool. The second parameter is an array of super classes that are inherited by the buffer class. The third parameter is an object that contains the methods to be called throughout the lifecycle of the class.
    ], function (declare, lang, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin,
    MapToolProxy, BufferParameters, GeometryService, Color, SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, PictureMarkerSymbol, Graphic, templateString
    ) {
      return declare("BufferMapTool", [_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, MapToolProxy], {
  6. In the BufferMapTool class, load the bufferMapToolTemplate.html into the templateString as an inline string.
    return declare("BufferMapTool", [_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, MapToolProxy], {
      templateString: templateString,
  7. Insert the constructor function under the template string.
    constructor: function () {
      // The buffer parameters
      this.bufferParams = new BufferParameters();
      this.bufferParams.unit = GeometryService.UNIT_METER;
      this.bufferParams.distances = [500, 1000, 2000];
      // Create the graphic for the push pin
      var iconPath = location.href.replace(/\/[^/]+$/, '/');
      var symbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(iconPath + "pushpin.png", 15, 30);
      symbol.yoffset = 10;
      this.pushPinGraphic = new Graphic(null, symbol);
      // Create the buffer graphics
      var outlineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color("#000000"), 1);
      var bufferSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, outlineSymbol, null);
      this.bufferGraphics = [];
      for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        this.bufferGraphics.push(new Graphic(null, bufferSymbol));
    You have now created the following variables in the constructor:
    • bufferParams—An object that captures the configuration options of the buffer rings to be created, such as the radii of the buffers from the point drawn on the map.
    • pushPinGraphic—A graphic for the point drawn on the map.
    • bufferGraphics—Three graphics for the buffer rings.
  8. After adding the constructor function, insert the hostReady callback function. This callback will be invoked when Operations Dashboard signals to the extension that the relationship between them is established.
    hostReady: function () {
      //Set up the UI of the map tool and create the graphics layer
      //when the host (Operations Dashboard) is ready
      // Retrieve the geometry service specified for the organization
      // Note: The buffer.json manifest file must have the "usePortalServices" set to true
      // in order for the geometry service (and any other helper services) to be retrieved
      if (!this.portalHelperServices || !this.portalHelperServices.geometry) {
        alert("Cannot get the geometry service required for creating buffers.");
      // Update the buffer params with the target map widget spatial reference
      this.bufferParams.outSpatialReference = this.mapWidgetProxy.spatialReference;
      // Setup a geometry service
      this.geometryService = new GeometryService(this.portalHelperServices.geometry.url);
      // Update the size of the user experience
        width: Math.min(this.availableDisplaySize.width / 2, 400),
        height: 40
      // Creates two graphics layers to control the order of draw buffers below the pushpin.
      return this.mapWidgetProxy.createGraphicsLayerProxy().then(lang.hitch(this, function (graphicsLayerProxy) {
        this.bufferGraphicsLayerProxy = graphicsLayerProxy;
        return this.mapWidgetProxy.createGraphicsLayerProxy().then(lang.hitch(this, function (graphicsLayerProxy) {
          this.pushPinGraphicsLayerProxy = graphicsLayerProxy;
          // Activate the drawing activity when the graphics layer is ready
          this.activateMapDrawing({geometryType: "point"});
    This callback performs the following:
    • Gets the geometry service from the ArcGIS organization, which will be used to calculate the buffer rings.
    • Sets the outSpatialReference in the bufferParams object.
    • Specifies the dimension of the map toolbar.
    • Calls the map widget's createGraphicsLayerProxy function twice to create two temporary graphics layers, one representing the clicked point and one representing the buffer rings.
  9. After creating the hostReady callback, add an availableDisplaySizeChanged function. If the width of the map widget associated with the map tool changes, the width of the map tool dijit will be readjusted.
    availableDisplaySizeChanged: function (availableSize) {
      // Update the size of the user experience
        width: Math.min(availableSize.width / 2, 400),
        height: 40
  10. Add the mapDrawComplete callback function. This function will be invoked when a user draws a point on the map. It clears any graphics that were previously created after drawing a point, and passes the geometry of the clicked point to the showPushPin and showBuffers functions. The graphics of the pushpin and the buffer rings display on the map.
    mapDrawComplete: function (geometry) {
      // When the drawing activity has been performed by the user, use the resulting geometry
      // to calculate the buffer rings and display them on the map
      if (!geometry)
      // Clear the graphics layer.
      // Immediately show a feedback for the user
      // Starts the buffering process
  11. Add the showPushPin function. This function sets the geometry of the pushPinGraphic using the point drawn on the map and updates the pushpin's graphicsLayer.
    showPushPin: function (geometry) {
      // Update the position of the push pin graphic
      // Update the host graphics layer
  12. Add the showBuffers function. This function calls the buffer function of the geometryService object by passing in the buffer parameters and a callback function. The buffer function calculates the geometries of the buffer rings. These geometries are used in the callback to update the buffer graphics and their graphics layer.
    showBuffers: function (geometry) {
      // Use the geometry service to calculate 3 buffer rings around the clicked point
      // Update the buffer params
      this.bufferParams.geometries = [geometry];
      // When the buffer rings have been calculated, call this.onBufferResult to update the graphics
      this.geometryService.buffer(this.bufferParams, lang.hitch(this, function (geometries) {
        if (!geometries || geometries.length === 0)
        // For each of the buffer geometries, update the buffer graphics
        for (var i = 0; i < geometries.length; i++) {
        // Update the host graphics layer
  13. Finally, add the deactivateMapTool function. This tear-down function will be called to deactivate the map drawing session and to destroy the two graphics layers when a user clicks the Done button defined in the bufferMapToolTemplate.html file.
    Note: It is important to destroy any graphics layers that were created in this function.
    deactivateMapTool: function () {
      // Deactivate the map tool when the Done button is clicked
      // Clean up then deactivating
      // Call the base function
      this.inherited(arguments, []);
    Your code for the BufferMapTool.js file should look like this:
    ], function (declare, lang, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, MapToolProxy, BufferParameters,
                 GeometryService, Color, SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, PictureMark-erSymbol,
                 Graphic, templateString) {
      return declare("BufferMapTool", [_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, MapToolProxy], {
        templateString: templateString,
        constructor: function () {
          // The buffer parameters
          this.bufferParams = new BufferParameters();
          this.bufferParams.unit = GeometryService.UNIT_METER;
          this.bufferParams.distances = [500, 1000, 2000];
          // Create the graphic for the push pin
          var iconPath = location.href.replace(/\/[^/]+$/, '/');
          var symbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(iconPath + "pushpin.png", 15, 30);
          symbol.yoffset = 10;
          this.pushPinGraphic = new Graphic(null, symbol);
          // Create the buffer graphics
          var outlineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color("#000000"), 1);
          var bufferSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, outlineSymbol, null);
          this.bufferGraphics = [];
          for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            this.bufferGraphics.push(new Graphic(null, bufferSymbol));
        hostReady: function () {
          //Set up the UI of the map tool and create the graphics layer
          //when the host (Operations Dashboard) is ready
          // Retrieve the geometry service specified for the organization
          // Note: The buffer.json manifest file must have the "usePortalServices" set to true
          // in order for the geometry service (and any other helper services) to be retrieved
          if (!this.portalHelperServices || !this.portalHelperServices.geometry) {
            alert("Cannot get the geometry service required for creating buffers.");
          // Update the buffer params with the target map widget spatial reference
          this.bufferParams.outSpatialReference = this.mapWidgetProxy.spatialReference;
          // Set up a geometry service
          this.geometryService = new GeometryService(this.portalHelperServices.geometry.url);
          // Update the size of the user experience
            width: Math.min(this.availableDisplaySize.width / 2, 400),
            height: 40
          // Creates two graphics layers to control the order of draw buffers below the push-pin.
          return this.mapWidgetProxy.createGraphicsLayerProxy().then(lang.hitch(this, function (graphicsLayerProxy) {
            this.bufferGraphicsLayerProxy = graphicsLayerProxy;
            return this.mapWidgetProxy.createGraphicsLayerProxy().then(lang.hitch(this, function (graphicsLayerProxy) {
              this.pushPinGraphicsLayerProxy = graphicsLayerProxy;
              // Activate the drawing activity when the graphics layer is ready
              this.activateMapDrawing({geometryType: "point"});
        availableDisplaySizeChanged: function (availableSize) {
          // Update the size of the user experience
            width: Math.min(availableSize.width / 2, 400),
            height: 40
        mapDrawComplete: function (geometry) {
          // When the drawing activity have been performed by the user, use the resulting geometry
          // to calculate the buffer rings and display them on the map
          if (!geometry)
          // Clear the graphics layer.
          // Immediately show a feedback for the user
          // Starts the buffering process
        showPushPin: function (geometry) {
          // Update the position of the push pin graphic
          // Update the host graphics layer
        showBuffers: function (geometry) {
          // Use the geometry service to calculate 3 buffer rings around the clicked point
          // Update the buffer params
          this.bufferParams.geometries = [geometry];
          // When the buffer rings have been calculated, call this.onBufferResult to update the graphics
          this.geometryService.buffer(this.bufferParams, lang.hitch(this, function (geometries) {
            if (!geometries || geometries.length === 0)
            // For each of the buffer geometries, update the buffer graphics
            for (var i = 0; i < geometries.length; i++) {
            // Update the host graphics layer
        deactivateMapTool: function () {
          // Deactivate the map tool when the Done button is clicked
          // Clean up then deactivating
          // Call the base function
          this.inherited(arguments, []);

Update the style

With the map tool's UI and logic in place, add the following text to the style.css file to customize the look and feel of the extension:

html, body {
  height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  overflow: hidden;

.table {
  display: table;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

.table-cell {
  display: table-cell;
  vertical-align: middle;
  padding: 5px;

.labelContainer {
  font-family: Arial;
  font-size: 12px;
  width: 100%;

.buttonContainer {
  width: 20px;

Your extension is now ready for testing in Operations Dashboard.

Create an operation view

  1. Start Operations Dashboard in developer mode, and sign in to your ArcGIS organization as either a publisher or an administrator.
  2. Create a single-display operation view and choose a map. If you create a multi-display operation view, you can only open it in the Windows app, and you won't be able to debug your extension in the web browser.

    Note: To learn more about creating an operation view, see Create an operation view in the PDF of the operation view help.

  3. Click the Add, remove, and configure map tools button at the upper left corner of the map. The Configure map tools dialog box displays.

    Configure map tools

  4. Click the Custom button to display the custom map tools. While in developer mode, your extensions can be identified by a red bounding box to help you distinguish them from the extensions created for the production environment.

    Configure map tools dialog box

  5. Click the check box next to the buffer map tool, and click Close.

    The map tool is now included in the map toolbar.

  6. Click the buffer tool on the map toolbar. An instance of the buffer tool dijit will be created and the HTML template will load.
  7. Click anywhere on the map to display buffer rings around the point you clicked.

Debug your map tool

If you need to debug your extension, you can use the Operations Dashboard extension debugger.

  1. Click the Debug button at the top of the buffer map toolbar to launch the debugger.

    Debug button

    Tip: You can also click Dev Mode in the upper right corner of the app, and click Open Debug Tool to launch the debugger.

  2. Using the debugger, inspect the UI elements of the buffer.html file, or set break points to step through the business logic in the BufferMapTool.js file.

    Note: The URL displayed at the top of the debugger window starts from localhost:<port number> because the extension is running from a local server.

    Debug window

    Tip: If you make a change to the HTML or JavaScript files during debugging, you can click the Refresh button Refresh button at the upper left corner of the debugger to see the update. However, if you make any changes to the manifest, you will need to close and reopen the operation view.

    To debug your extension using the web browser, complete the following steps:

  3. Save your operation view.
  4. Click Dev Mode in the upper right corner and choose Open in Browser.

    Open operation view in a browser

    The operation view will open in your default browser.

  5. Use the built-in debugging tool of your browser to debug your map tool.

    Note: Since you're hosting your extension in the local server, you need to keep the Windows app and the local server running.

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