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Manifest file

Legacy: This topic discusses extending operation views created using the Windows version Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS. This version of the application has been moved to Mature Support status. To learn more about the latest web-based version, see Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS.

A manifest file is required for each extension you develop whether it's a widget, map tool, or feature action. The properties in the manifest file declaratively describe how the extension should be activated and configured in an operation view.

Manifest properties

Metadata for an extension is defined in a JSON structure. The metadata is grouped by sections, including general properties, runtime properties, and configuration properties. The following tables list the required and optional properties to include in each section of the manifest.

General properties

The following table describes the general extension properties, which are located under the root of the manifest.



Widget | Map Tool | Feature Action


Defines the type of extension. The value needs to strictly respect the caption and space.


Defines the default title for the extension. This title will be used as the default title for the extension. The Administrator of your ArcGIS organization can modify this title.


Defines a brief description for the extension. The description defined here will be used as the default description. The Administrator of your ArcGIS organization can modify this description.


Defines a relative path to a thumbnail image that represents the extension.

Recommended size: 350x232

The thumbnail will be used in the following places (applicable to all extensions):

  • The item's details page of the extension in your ArcGIS organization.
  • The Add Widget dialog box in Windows Operations Dashboard.


true | false

Required for Feature Action.

Indicates whether the extension will use the data source defined in the operation view.

If useDataFromView is false, view.getDataSources will return an empty array, and requireDataSource will not be respected.


true | false

Indicates whether the extension has access to services hosted in the portal.

When set to true, the user will have access to the portal's access token.


true | false

Indicates whether the extension needs access to external ArcGIS services that are not federated with the portal. When set to true, the user will be asked for additional credentials to access these services.


Provides credit information for the extension, such as company name, email, or website URL.

When the Administrator of your ArcGIS organization creates an Operations Dashboard extension item, the credits information will be auto-populated from this property.

Runtime properties

The following table defines how the extension is activated at run time. These properties are located under the runtime section in the manifest.




Defines the HTML page that loads when the extension is activated in an operation view.


Required for Map Tool and Feature Action only. Ignored for Widget.

Points to an icon file that represents the map tool or feature action (relative path to the manifest file).

Recommended size: 16x16

The icon will be used in the following places:

  • Map toolbar for a map tool.
  • Feature action menu in the pop-up on the Map widget or other widgets that support feature actions.
  • Feature action list when configuring the feature actions for a widget.


point | polyline | polygon

Applicable for Feature Action only.

An array of supported geometry types for the feature action. If the data source target is not from one of the supported types, the feature action will not be enabled.


true | false

Applicable for Feature Action only.

Indicates whether the feature action supports multiple features. When set to true, the feature action can be applied to one or more features.

Configuration properties

These properties define what can be configured and what the user interface looks like. These properties are located under the configuration section in the manifest.

Note: The configuration section is required if the extension is configurable by the author of the operation view.



The path to a configuration HTML page, relative to the manifest file. This page will be loaded in the configuration dialog box when the author configures the extension.


true | false

Applicable for Widget only.

When set to true, the author can define or change the description of the widget.


true | false

Applicable for Widget only.

When set to true, the author can define which map to use with the widget.


true | false

Applicable for Widget only.

When set to true, the author can choose a data source for the widget.


true | false

Applicable for Widget only.

When set to true, the author can define feature actions for the widget.


true | false

Applicable for Widget only.

When set to true, the author can define a default feature action for a widget. At runtime, the widget is responsible for executing the default feature action based upon user experience. Also note that a default feature action can be associated with a widget only if the manifest property "supportFeatureActions" is set to true.

Sample widget manifest file

"type": "Widget",
"title": "Gauge Widget",
"description": "Gauge Widget sample",
"thumbnailPath": "thumbnail.png",
"useDataFromView": true,
"usePortalServices": true,
"useExternalAGSServices": true,
"runtime": {
"path": "gauge.html",
"configuration": {
"path": "scatterPlotConfig.html",
"showDescriptionInput": true,
"requireMapWidget": true,
"requireDataSource": true,
"supportFeatureActions": true
"credits": "Esri, http://www.esri.com
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