Legacy: This topic discusses extending operation views created using the Windows version Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS. This version of the application has been moved to Mature Support status. To learn more about the latest web-based version, see Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS.
Using the ArcGIS for JavaScript API, you can build widgets, map tools, and feature actions. These extensions can be used in operation views in both Windows and browser Operations Dashboard.
Widgets are the core of the operation view. They can summarize data and display information to the user. A widget can use data from features, present a data workflow, such as geoprocessing, or display external information, such as current weather conditions.
To learn more about developing your own widget, see Create a widget.
Map tools add functionality to the toolbar of a specific map.
You can develop your own map tool to work with a map. For example, you may want a map tool that, once activated, allows a user to display a 5-minute drive-time polygon from a particular location on the map.
Note: Only one map tool can be activated at a time.
To learn more about creating your own map tool, see Create a map tool.
Widgets interact with features on the map through feature actions. You can develop feature actions to work with features from a data source. For example, when a feature action is executed, you can select and zoom to the feature on the map. A feature action does not have a user interface.
Note: The author of an operation view determines what feature actions are available for a specific widget.