New CSVLayer class to easily display data from CSV files on a map. See the CSV Layer sample for an example of how to use this new layer. If CSV files are not on the same domain as your website, a CORS enabled server or a proxy is required.
New capabilities when querying against a layer in a hosted feature service in ArcGIS Online:
Renderers' colorInfo property and setColorInfo method now support more than two colors as well as a stops property that allows developers to associate a specific color with a data value. The legend widget also now supports renderers with colorInfo. Two samples have been updated to use this new functionality:
In addition to continuous color ramps, the esri/Color module was added at this release. It is a convenient wrapper around dojo/_base/Color and has all options supported by dojo/_base/Color.
option to specify container for text symbol editing components.
New repository on GitHub with TypeScript definitions for the JS API as well as the jshint options file used by the JS API team.
Version 3.9 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript uses Dojo 1.9.1 as well as version 0.3.11 of dgrid, 0.3.5 of put-selector and 0.1.3 of xstyle.