Legacy: This topic discusses extending operation views created using the Windows version Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS. This version of the application has been moved to Mature Support status. To learn more about the latest web-based version, see Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS.
There can be common coding errors when working with Dojo. Common error messages and their meanings are listed on this blog site.
Check the dependencies listed in your
function and make sure the path is correct. In this case, the require function incorrectly specifies esri/dashboard/WidgetProxy, but the WidgetProxy class actually resides in the opsdashboard folder.
Development environment
Here are a few troubleshooting tips if you have issues in your development environment:
Check for differences between using the extensions in developer and production modes.
In developer mode, check for differences between hosting the extensions in local vs. web servers.
Compare the effectiveness of the extension in Operations Dashboard desktop and web.
Determine whether the problem involves one or all extensions.
Determine if the Esri sample extensions work properly.
Production environment
Here are a few troubleshooting tips if you have issues in your production environment:
Extensions hosted in a web server work in developer mode on desktop and web dashboard. After being registered into an org, they still work in desktop but in web dashboard, they show as "inaccessible." Check the web server's CORS setting, since the domain of the server hosting the extension may be different than the domain of the ArcGIS organization. You can also check the browser's console for CORS-related messages.
If extensions hosted in a web server never finish loading in desktop, appear blank (e.g., widgets), or disappear after being activated (e.g., map tools, feature actions) in the browser, check the URL used to access the org. The browser version of Operations Dashboard does not allow mixed content. You can also check with the server administrator to determine if HTTPS is supported on the hosting server.
In general, you should use the same protocol for connecting to extensions and building dashboards, but it is recommended to use the HTTPS protocol. Most ArcGIS organizations in production environments enforce web communications through Secure Socket Layers (SSL). While this might not be a requirement during the development phase, you should still consider enabling HTTPS access in your server to avoid creating mixed content. For more information, see Set up a web server. For details on how browsers handle mixed content,
see Can mixed content cause my operation view to not display correctly or open? in the Browser app help PDF.
Graphics cards
If an extension has problems loading in desktop and you've tried the previous troubleshooting methods, check to see if your PC has more than one graphics card. Operations Dashboard may be using the internal video card by default. To adjust the settings, see the Unable to load custom extensions knowledge base article.
You can find frequently asked questions about operation views in the Windows app help and Browser app help PDF.