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Overview of deploying extensions

Legacy: This topic discusses extending operation views created using the Windows version Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS. This version of the application has been moved to Mature Support status. To learn more about the latest web-based version, see Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS.

Before you can use your extension in the production environment and in an operation view, it must be hosted on a web server and registered in your ArcGIS organization.

Host an extension on a web server

Hosting an extension on a web server is no different than hosting any other web app. For more details on server requirements and configuration, see Set up a web server.

The manner in which you decide to consume the API may depend on how you intend to consume it. For detailed information, see Get the ArcGIS API for JavaScript. The following table shows different ways in which to use the API based on where it will be hosted:


Extensions hosted in an external web server

Extensions reside behind the web adapter on Portal deployment

ArcGIS API for JavaScript accessed through CDN
  • The hosting location must be anonymously accessible
  • Portal users only
  • Leverage the web adapter's security mechanism
ArcGIS API for JavaScript is locally hosted and bundled with extensions
  • When the extension is deployed, the JavaScript API is also deployed with it
  • The hosting location must be anonymously accessible
  • When the extension is deployed, the JavaScript API is also deployed with it
  • Portal users only
  • Leverage the web adapter's security mechanism

When deploying extensions to Portal for ArcGIS, it is recommended that you use the <portal install directory>\apps\dashboard\extensions folder (where <portal install directory> is the path to your portal installation). For example, c:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Portal\apps\dashboard\extensions. This ensures that extensions are protected by the same security as the web adapter.

Note: Once deployment is complete, it is also recommended that portal or system administrators back up the extensions folder when upgrading Portal for ArcGIS.

After the extension is available online on your web server, you need to obtain the URL path to the manifest file of your extension. An example of a URL path to a manifest file is: *<server.domain.com>/<web adapter>/apps/dashboard/extensions/<my-extension>/<myExtension>.json.

Register the extension

Before the extension can be added to an operation view, the administrator must register it by creating an Operations Dashboard Extension item. The administrator will use the URL path to the extension's manifest file.

Note: Only administrators in your ArcGIS organization can register an extension.

Share the extension

The administrator can share the Operations Dashboard Extension item with groups within the organization who need access, or the entire organization if necessary.

Note: For security reasons, Operations Dashboard apps will only load extensions that are registered in the same organization as the publishers and users.

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