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What's new in Version 2.4

The following new features were added at version 2.4


KML files can now be added to ArcGIS API for JavaScript maps via the new KMLLayer class. The constructor for this new class takes a publicly accessible URL for a KML file (.kml and .kmz are both supported) which is then converted to layer that can be added to a map. Geometries from the KML file are added as feature layers. At this release, there is limited support for network links.

All features from the KML file are fully accessible via the API. This results in some powerful possibilities because not only can features from a remotely hosted KML file be displayed, they can be queried and also used as input to geometry or geoprocessing services as well as other web services.

Mobile Popup Widget

The Mobile Popup Widget is an info window designed and optimized for maps on mobile devices. It provides an info window with a small footprint when a feature is initially touched. Once open, the info window has a button to fill the screen with the feature's attributes so all info about a feature can be seen.

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Measurement widget

Several enhancements were made to the measurement widget at 2.4. The constructor now accepts additional options for length and area measurement units and four new methods were added for more fine grained control over the widget:

  • clearResult(): remove measurement graphics and distances or areas
  • setTool(): activate or deactivate the "area", "distance" or "location" tool
  • showTool(): display the "area", "distance" or "location" tool
  • hideTool(): remove the "area", "distance" or "location" tool

Projected coordinate systems are now fully supported and a bug with displaying coordinates on machines with specific locales was fixed. Finally, the widget now fires and onMeasureEnd event.

Web Map Tile Service (WMTS)

At version 2.4 the workflow for working with WMTS has been simplified through the addition of a new layer class. It was previously possible to use a WMTS by creating a custom layer and this was demonstrated in a sample.

Like other layer classes in the API, the WMTSLayer class takes a URL and optional parameters. It can be added to a map like any other layer. If the optional resourceInfo object is not supplied, then a proxy page is required. New, updated proxy pages have been posted to accommodate this new functionality.

Bug Fixes

Specific bug fixes for this release:

  • When a map's current extent is beyond +/- 180, an Info window is not displayed for a graphic with info template if clicked. (NIM068066)
  • Snapping fails in the Editor widget sample code when the base map is not in Web Mercator or geographic with an "info is undefined" message. (NIM069054)
  • The editor widgets (attribute inspector, editor etc) display a default value of 1/1/1970 for null date fields. Null date values should display as null instead of the default date. (NIM070071)

Dojo 1.6.1

Like version 2.3, version 2.4 uses Dojo 1.6.1.

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