require(["esri/PopupTemplate"], function(PopupTemplate) { /* code goes here */ });
Class: esri/PopupTemplate
Inheritance: PopupTemplate Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.0

A PopupTemplate formats and defines the content of a Popup for a specific Layer or Graphic. A PopupTemplate allows the user to access values from feature attributes and values returned from Arcade expressions when a feature in the view is selected.

The PopupTemplate contains title and content properties that act as a template used to transform a feature's attributes into an HTML representation. The syntax {fieldName} or {expression/expressionName} performs parameter substitution. The default behavior on a Graphic is to show the view's Popup after a click on the Graphic. A PopupTemplate is required for this default behavior.

PopupTemplate also allows you to format the Number and Date field values and override field aliases with the fieldInfos property. Actions may also be added to the template to give users the ability to perform actions related to the feature, such as zooming to it or performing a Query based on the feature's location or attributes.


In the image above, the initial text Marriage in NY, Zip Code: 11358 is set in the title property of the PopupTemplate where ZIP is the name of the field containing zip codes.

popupTemplate.title = "Marriage in NY, Zip Code: {ZIP}",

The rest of the content is defined in the content property where NEVMARR_CY, MARRIED_CY, and DIVORCD_CY are all field names that contain values to be used in the popup.

popupTemplate.content = "<p>As of 2015, <b>{MARRIEDRATE}%</b> of the" +
" population in this zip code is married.</p>" +
"<ul><li>{MARRIED_CY} people are married</li>" +
"<li>{NEVMARR_CY} have never married</li>" +
"<li>{DIVORCD_CY} are divorced</li><ul>";

The above example demonstrates how to format the content directly with a custom text string. This is one way to format the template, it is also possible to add additional elements in the content such as fields, media, and attachments. These elements can be added individually or combined. More information on working with these various elements can be found in content.

PopupTemplates may also contain custom actions that, when clicked, execute custom code defined by the developer. See the actions property for more details.

See also:


new PopupTemplate(properties)
properties Object

See the properties for a list of all the properties that may be passed into the constructor.

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

A Collection of action or action toggle objects.

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more detailsPopupTemplate
String | Object[] | Function | Promise

The template for defining and formatting a popup's content.

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more detailsPopupTemplate

The name of the class.

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more detailsAccessor

An array of objects that reference Arcade expressions.

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more detailsPopupTemplate

An array of objects that defines how fields in the dataset or values from Arcade expressions participate in a popup.

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more detailsPopupTemplate

Additional options that can be defined for the popup layer.

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more detailsPopupTemplate

An array of fields used in the PopupTemplate.

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more detailsPopupTemplate

Indicates whether actions should replace existing popup actions.

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more detailsPopupTemplate
String | Function

The template for defining how to format the title used in a popup.

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more detailsPopupTemplate

Property Details

Autocasts from Object[]

A Collection of action or action toggle objects. Each object represents an action or function that may be executed by clicking the icon or image symbolizing them in the Popup. By default, every Popup has a zoom-to action styled with a magnifying glass icon popupTemplate-zoom-action. When this icon is clicked, the view zooms in four LODs and centers on the selected feature.

PopupTemplates do not have default actions. To override actions on the Popup using PopupTemplate see overwriteActions. Actions defined in a PopupTemplate will only appear in the Popup for features or layers that apply that particular PopupTemplate.

The order of each action in the popup is the same order in which they appear in the actions Collection.

The Popup event in Popup fires each time an action in the popup is clicked. This event should be used to execute custom code for each action clicked. For example, if you would like to add a zoom-out action to the PopupTemplate that zooms the view out several LODs, you would define the zoom-out code in a separate function. Then you would call the custom zoom-out function in the trigger-action event handler. See the sample code snippet below for more details on how this works.

Actions are defined with the properties listed in the ActionButton or ActionToggle class.

See also:
// Defines an action to zoom out from the selected feature
var zoomOutAction = {
  // This text is displayed as a tooltip
  title: "Zoom out",
  // The ID by which to reference the action in the event handler
  id: "zoom-out",
  // Sets the icon font used to style the action button
  className: "esri-icon-zoom-out-magnifying-glass"
// Adds the custom action to the PopupTemplate.
// Apply this PopupTemplate to a layer (or graphic)
layer.popupTemplate = popupTemplate;
// This action will only appear in the popup for features in that layer
// The function to execute when the zoom-out action is clicked
function zoomOut() {
  // In this case the view zooms out two LODs on each click
    zoom: view.zoom - 2

// This event fires for each click on any action
// Notice this event is handled on the default popup of the View
// NOT on an instance of PopupTemplate
view.popup.on("trigger-action", function(event){
  // If the zoom-out action is clicked, fire the zoomOut() function
  if( === "zoom-out"){

The template for defining and formatting a popup's content. Content may be defined with one of four types of values.

  • String - A popup's content can be a simple text or string value referencing field values or Arcade expressions. Expressions must be defined in the expressionInfos property. These values are referenced via placeholders. Within the string, placeholders are denoted by {fieldName} or {expression/expressionName} which are used to specify which values from field attributes or expressions to display within certain locations in the string. When the application runs, substitution occurs and the placeholder is replaced with the actual attribute or expression value for the selected feature. The string can also include HTML markup and formatting functions.
  • Popup elements - You can also display content as popup elements defined as an array of Objects. These elements can be used individually or combined. The order in which they are set determines how they display within the popup. See the items below describing each element.
  • promise - The PopupTemplate's content may also be defined with a promise that resolves to any of the above-mentioned elements. This is useful for cases when you run a task or execute a query and want to display the results in the popup. Simply pass the promise to the popupTemplate's content and ensure that it resolves to a string or other popup element.
  • function - Content may be defined with a JavaScript function that returns any of the above-mentioned elements. This is handy when your popup requires additional processing or functionality than what is provided with the four content types listed above. For example, let’s assume that you would like to display charts using third-party JavaScript libraries or categorize information into separate tabs. In these cases, you can use a function that returns either a string, a reference to an HTML element, a popup element, or a promise. When the feature is clicked, the feature is passed as an argument to the function and provides access to the feature’s graphic and attributes. The function then executes and returns a value to display in the popup template. It is also possible to check a specific feature attribute and determine whether to apply a function based on its value. Out-of-the-box formatting functions can be used to format date, time, and number values. The syntax for using an out-of-the-box formatting function is: {field-name:format-function-name(option-a: value, option-b: value)}

The formatter functions are described below:

DateStringFormats the date into a human-readable format. Supports the following options:
hideTime: false - When true shows time. Default value is false.
local: false - Displays date and time in the local time zone. Default value is false. When false the date will display in UTC.
systemLocale: false - Displays date and time in the system locale (local time zone). Default value is false.
DateFormatConverts date fields into a human-readable format using dojo/date/locale.format method. Supports the same options as dojo/date/locale.format. The following snippets show some usage examples:
{DATE_FIELD:DateFormat} produces 3/8/08 4:00 PM.
{DATE_FIELD:DateFormat(selector: 'date', fullYear: true)} produces 4/8/2009.
NumberFormatFormats numbers into various formats using the dojo/number.format method. Supports the same set of options as dojo/number.format. The following snippets show examples of usage pattern examples:
{Magnitude:NumberFormat} produces 4.23456.
{Magnitude:NumberFormat(places:2)} produces 4.23.

Out-of-the-box formatting functions and custom functions are supported as of version 4.1.

See also:
// Set a simple string to a popupTemplate's content
// The string references a value from the POP_2015 attribute field
layer.popupTemplate = {
  content: "{POP_2015} people live in this census tract"
// Set a simple string to a popupTemplate's content
// referencing the value returned from an Arcade expression
layer.popupTemplate = {
  content: "{expression/per-asian}% of the people in this tract are Asian."
// Display a table in the popup's content referencing two values
// one from a field, and another returned from an Arcade expression
layer.popupTemplate = {
  title: "Population in {NAME}",
  content: [{
    type: "fields",
    fieldInfos: [{
      fieldName: "POP_2015",
      label: "Total population (2015)",
      format: {
        digitSeparator: true
    }, {
      fieldName: "expression/per-asian"
// The following snippet shows how to set various popup element types within the template's
// content. This snippet also works with related tables.
layer.popupTemplate.content = [{
  type: "fields",
  fieldInfos: [{
    fieldName: "Point_Count",
    visible: false,
    label: "Count of Points",
    format: {
      places: 0,
      digitSeparator: true
  }, {
   fieldName: "relationships/0/Point_Count_COMMON",
   visible: true,
   label: "Sum of species tree count",
   format: {
     places: 0,
     digitSeparator: true
   statisticType: "sum"
}, {
  type: "text",
  text: "There are {Point_Count} trees within census block {BLOCKCE10}"
}, {
  type: "media",
  mediaInfos: [{
    title: "<b>Count by type</b>",
    type: "pie-chart",
    caption: "",
    value: {
      theme: "Grasshopper",
      fields: [ "relationships/0/Point_Count_COMMON" ],
      normalizeField: null,
      tooltipField: "relationships/0/COMMON"
  }, {
    title: "<b>Welcome to Beverly Hills</b>",
    type: "image",
    value: {
      sourceURL: ""
}, {
  type: "attachments"
// The following snippet shows how to use function
// to create a simple node and display it in the popup template content
var template = new PopupTemplate({
  title: "Population by Gender",
  content: setContentInfo

function setContentInfo(feature){
  // create a chart for example
  var node = domConstruct.create("div", { innerHTML: "Text Element inside an HTML div element." });
  return node;
// The following snippet shows how to use a function on an attribute.
// populationChange() function called on POP2013 attribute.
// The snippet also shows the use of NumberFormat out of the box
// formatter function on numeric field.
var popupTemplate = new PopupTemplate({
  title: "Population in {NAME}",
  content: "As of 2010, the population in this area was <b>{POP2010:NumberFormat}</b>." +
           "As of 2013, the population here was <b>{POP2013:NumberFormat}</b>." +
           "Percent change is {POP2013:populationChange}"

populationChange = function (value, key, data) {
  // calculate the population percent change from 2010 to 2013.
  var diff = data.POP2013 - data.POP2010;
  var pctChange = (diff * 100) / data.POP2010;
  var result = diff > 0 ? "images/up.png" : "images/down.png";

  // add green arrow if the percent change is positive.
  // red arrow for negative percent change.
  return "<img src='" + result + "'/>" +
         "<span style='color: " +
          (pctChange < 0 ? "red" : "green") + ";'>" +
          number.format(pctChange, { places: 3 }) +
declaredClassStringreadonly inherited
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.

Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.4

An array of objects that reference Arcade expressions. These expressions evaluate to either a number or a string value on a feature-by-feature basis at runtime. The values display within the view's popup as if they are field values. They can be displayed in a table using the fieldInfos of the popupTemplate's content or referenced within a simple string. See the object specification table below for a description of the properties that may be set in each object.

name String

The name of the expression. This is used to reference the value of the given expression in the popupTemplate's content property by wrapping it in curly braces and prefacing it with expression/ (e.g. {expression/expressionName}). See the code snippets below for more examples.

title String

The title used to describe the value returned by the expression in the popup. This will display if the value is referenced in a fieldInfos table.

expression String

An Arcade expression evaluating to either a string or a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime.

returnType String

Indicates the return type of the Arcade expression. This is an optional property.

Possible Values: string | number

// Displays two values returned from Arcade expressions
// in a table within the popup when a feature is clicked
layer.popupTemplate = {
  content: [{
    type: "fields",
    fieldInfos: [{
      fieldName: "expression/college"
    }, {
      fieldName: "expression/nocollege"
  expressionInfos: [{
    name: "college",
    title: "Completed a college degree",
    expression: "$feature.bachelor + $feature.master + $feature.doctorate"
  }, {
    name: "nocollege",
    title: "Did not complete a college degree",
    expression: "$feature.elementary + $feature.middle + $feature.highschool + $feature.somecollege"
// Displays a value returned from an Arcade expression within
// a simple string defined in the popupTemplate's content
layer.popupTemplate = {
  content: "{expression/per-total}% of people in this boundary have a college education.",
  expressionInfos: [{
    name: "per-total",
    expression: "Round((($feature.bachelor + $feature.master + $feature.doctorate) / $feature.TOT_POP) * 100, 2)"

An array of objects that defines how fields in the dataset or values from Arcade expressions participate in a popup. Each object contains properties for a single field or expression. See the object specification table below for available options to set on each field.

fieldName String

Required. The field name as defined by the service or the name of an Arcade expression. Arcade expression names are defined in the expressionInfos property. When referencing Arcade expressions, you must preface the name with expression/, such as expression/percent-total.

format Object

An object used with numerical or date fields to provide more detail about how the value should be displayed in a popup. When formatting Number fields, you must set both the digitSeparator and places properties for the formatting to take effect.

dateFormat String

Used only with Date fields. Specifies how the date should appear in a popup.

Possible Values: short-date | short-date-le | long-date | day-short-month-year | long-month-day-year | short-date-long-time | short-date-le-long-time | short-date-short-time | short-date-le-short-time | short-date-short-time-24 | short-date-le-short-time-24 | short-date-short-time-24 | short-date-le-short-time-24 | long-month-year | short-month-year | year

digitSeparator Boolean

Used only with Number fields. A value of true indicates the number should have a digit (or thousands) separator when the value appears in popups. A value of false means that no separator will be used.

places Number

Used only with Number fields to specify the number of supported decimal places that should appear in popups. Any places beyond this value are rounded.

label String

The field alias to display in place of the fieldName in the popup.

stringFieldOption String

For editable popups, defines the text box format.

Possible Values: rich-text | text-area | text-box

tooltip String

Defines a tooltip for editable popup fields.

visible Boolean

Defines whether the field is visible in the popup.

var popupTemplate = new PopupTemplate({
  content: [{
    type: "fields",
    fieldInfos: [{
      fieldName: "ELEV_ft",
      label: "Elevation (feet)",
      format: {
        places: 0,
        digitSeparator: true
       fieldName: "PROMINENCE_ft",
       label: "Prominence (feet)",
       format: {
         places: 0,
         digitSeparator: true
       fieldName: "Recorded",
       label: "Recorded Date",
       format: {
         dateFormat: "short-date"
       fieldName: "expression/density"
       // label is defined in the expressionInfos
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.5

Additional options that can be defined for the popup layer. Currently supports one property, showNoDataRecords.

showNoDataRecords Boolean

Applicable to Imagery Layers. Indicates whether records without data should display within the popup.

Default Value:null
popupTemplate: {
  "title": "ScientificData/SeaTemperature:{ProductName}",
  content: [{
    type: "fields",
    "fieldInfos": [{
      "fieldName": "Raster.ItemPixelValue",
      "label": "Item Pixel Value",
      "isEditableOnLayer": false,
      "visible": true,
      "format": {
        "places": 2,
        "digitSeparator": true
  "layerOptions": {
    "showNoDataRecords": true
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.9

An array of fields used in the PopupTemplate. Use this property to indicate what fields are required to fully render the PopupTemplate.

To fetch the values from all fields, use ["*"].

Default Value:null

Indicates whether actions should replace existing popup actions.

Default Value:false
// The actions defined in the Popup will not display when the
// PopupTemplate is used. The actions defined in the PopupTemplate will used instead.
popupTemplate.overwriteActions = true;

The template for defining how to format the title used in a popup. You can format the title by specifying either a string value or a function that returns a simple string.

// Within the popup template, placeholders are denoted by `{}`.
// It specifies attributes to display.
// In a service where a field named COUNTY_NAME contains the name of a county, the title
// of the popup when the user clicks a feature representing Los Angeles County will say:
// "Population in Los Angeles County"
popupTemplate.title = "Population in {COUNTY_NAME} County";

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryClass

Creates a deep clone of the PopupTemplate object.

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more detailsclone

Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with values from a JSON object generated from a product in the ArcGIS platform.

more details
more detailsPopupTemplate

Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation.

more details
more detailsPopupTemplate

Method Details


Creates a deep clone of the PopupTemplate object.

PopupTemplateReturns a deep clone of the PopupTemplate.

Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with values from a JSON object generated from a product in the ArcGIS platform. The object passed into the input json parameter often comes from a response to a query operation in the REST API or a toJSON() method from another ArcGIS product. See the Using fromJSON() topic in the Guide for details and examples of when and how to use this function.

json Object

A JSON representation of the instance in the ArcGIS format. See the ArcGIS REST API documentation for examples of the structure of various input JSON objects.

*Returns a new instance of this class.

Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation. See the Using fromJSON() topic in the Guide for more information.

ObjectThe ArcGIS portal JSON representation of an instance of this class.

Type Definitions


Attachments are a type of popup element. Similar to text and media elements, attachments can only be set within the content.


The object specification for the fields popup element is provided below.

type String

Required. The type of popup element to display. To list attachments, set this to attachments. The attachmentInfos are queried from the service and will list within the popup.

layer.popupTemplate.content = [{
  type: "attachments"

It is possible to set the fieldInfos directly within the PopupTemplate's content. If the fieldInfos is not set within the content, it will revert to whatever may be set within the PopupTemplate.fieldInfos property.


The object specification for the fields popup element is provided below.

type String

Required. The type of popup element to display. To display tabular field data, set this to fields.

fieldInfos Object[]

Object array of fieldInfos. If the fieldInfos property is not provided directly within the content, the popup will display whatever is set directly in the PopupTemplate.fieldInfos.

layer.popupTemplate.content = [{
  type: "fields",
  fieldInfos: [{
    fieldName: "Point_Count",
    visible: false,
    label: "Count of Points",
    format: {
      places: 0,
      digitSeparator: true
  }, {
    fieldName: "relationships/0/Point_Count_COMMON",
    visible: true,
    label: "Sum of species tree count",
    format: {
      places: 0,
      digitSeparator: true
    statisticType: "sum"

It is possible to set media elements such as charts and/or images within the PopupTemplate's content. This content is set within the mediaInfos.


The object specification for the media popup element is provided below.

type String

Required. The type of popup element to display. To display charts or images, set this to media.

mediaInfos Object[]

Required. Object array of mediaInfos representing images or charts for display.

title String

Defines the media title.

caption String

Defines a caption for the media.

refreshInterval Number

Since: 4.5
Refresh interval of the layer in minutes. Non-zero value indicates automatic layer refresh at the specified interval. Value of 0 indicates auto refresh is not enabled. If the property does not exist, it is equivalent to having a value of 0. Only applicable when type is set to image.

type String

Defines the media type.

Possible Values: image | pie-chart | bar-chart | column-chart | line-chart

value Object

Defines the value format. This depends on the media type.

sourceURL String

Use this for image values. It defines the sourceURL pointing to the image.

fields String[]

Used for chart values. An array of strings indicating field names from the specified layer.

normalizationField String

Used for chart values. A field used to normalize data.

theme String

Used for chart values. Defines a new dojo theme, only valid for chart types. View the Dojox Charting Theme Preview to see some of the theme options.

tooltipField String

Used for chart values. Defines the tooltip display field that displays when hovering over the chart.

layer.popupTemplate.content = [{
  // The following creates a piechart in addition to an image. The chart is
  // also set  up to work with related tables.
  type: "media",
  mediaInfos: [{
    title: "<b>Count by type</b>",
    type: "pie-chart",
    caption: "",
    value: {
      theme: "Grasshopper",
      fields: ["relationships/0/Point_Count_COMMON"],
      normalizeField: null,
      tooltipField: "relationships/0/COMMON"
  }, {
    title: "<b>Welcome to Beverly Hills</b>",
    type: "image",
    value: {
      sourceURL: ""

An object used to define descriptive text as an element within the PopupTemplate's content. The text may reference values returned from a field attribute or an Arcade expression.


The object specification for the text popup element is provided below.

type String

Required. The type of popup element to display. For descriptive text, set this to text.

text String

Required. The formatted string content to display. This may contain a field name enclosed in {}, such as {FIELDNAME}, or an Arcade expression name, referenced as {expression/EXPRESSIONNAME}. Text content may also leverage HTML tags such as <b></b>, <p></p>, and <table></table> for formatting the look and feel of the content. To use this element, set the type property to text.

layer.popupTemplate.content = [{
  // This element uses an attribute from the featurelayer which displays a sentence
  //giving the total amount of trees value within a specified census block.
  type: "text",
  text: "There are {Point_Count} trees within census block {BLOCKCE10}"
layer.popupTemplate = {
  content: [{
    type: "text",
    text: "The {expression/predominance-tree} species occurs more often"
      + " than other tree species in the area."

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