Class: esri/renderers/Renderer
Inheritance: Renderer Accessor
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.0

Renderers define how to visually represent each feature in one of the following layer types:

The Renderer object contains drawing information for the layer and is the base class for all renderers.

There are three types of renderers available for visualizing data. Each serves a different purpose, allowing you to explore your data and tell a visual story about it by combining geography and statistics. Most cartographic visualizations fall into one of the following categories.

Visualization typeRenderer
Location onlySimpleRenderer
Unique (typed) valuesUniqueValueRenderer
Class breaksClassBreaksRenderer
Continuous color/sizeSimpleRenderer or UniqueValueRenderer with visualVariables
MultivariateSimpleRenderer or UniqueValueRenderer with visualVariables


In many cases, the user just wants to see where a set of features are located. Some examples might be political boundaries, cities, buildings, rivers, etc. These are scenarios where you want all features in the layer to have the same symbol. To accomplish this you would use a SimpleRenderer.

The example in the screenshot below contains three layers; each uses a SimpleRenderer to assign all features the same symbol. The polygon layer represents states with a simple green fill and gray outline. The polyline layer visualizes highways with bright green lines. The point layer depicts cities as orange points.


Read more on the SimpleRenderer page.

Unique types

UniqueValueRenderer allows you to symbolize features based on one or more matching string attribute values. Unique values are typically visualized with colors, fill styles, or images to represent features of similar types.

In the image below, each line is symbolized with a different color depending on the jurisdiction to which the highway belongs. For example, green lines are highways in the "Tampa District" whereas red lines are highways in the "Central District".


Read more on the UniqueValueRenderer page.

Class breaks

ClassBreaksRenderer sets the symbol of each feature in a layer based on the value of a numeric attribute. Symbols are assigned to classes, or ranges of data. Each feature is assigned a symbol based on the class in which the value of the attribute falls. In the example below a FeatureLayer representing block groups is rendered with a ClassBreaksRenderer. Features where fewer than 35% of the population have a college degree are rendered with a deep green color. Features where between 35% and 50% of the population have a college degree are rendered with a pale green symbol. The other features are similarly rendered based on the value of the attribute of interest.


Read more on the ClassBreaksRenderer page.

Continuous ramps and multivariate visualizations

Rather than manually creating several class breaks to visualize numeric data, you can create simple yet stunning visualizations using continuous color, size, opacity or any combination of those techniques using visualVariables in a SimpleRenderer.

The example below uses a UniqueValueRenderer with an opacity visual variable to map predominant types and the strength of their predominance in relation to other variables.


See visual variables for more information.

See also:

Property Overview

Any properties can be set, retrieved or listened to. See the Working with Properties topic.

Authoring metadata only included in renderers generated from one of the Smart Mapping creator methods, such as sizeRendererCreator.createContinuousRenderer() or colorRendererCreator.createContinuousRenderer().

more details
more detailsRenderer

The name of the class.

more details
more detailsAccessor

The renderer type.

more details
more detailsRenderer

Property Details

Authoring metadata only included in renderers generated from one of the Smart Mapping creator methods, such as sizeRendererCreator.createContinuousRenderer() or colorRendererCreator.createContinuousRenderer(). This includes information from UI elements such as sliders and selected classification methods and themes. This allows the authoring clients to save specific overridable settings so that next time it is accessed via the UI, their selections can be remembered.

declaredClassStringreadonly inherited
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.7

The name of the class. The declared class name is formatted as esri.folder.className.


The renderer type.

Possible values: class-breaks | heatmap | simple | unique-value

Method Overview

NameReturn TypeSummaryClass

Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with values from a JSON object generated from a product in the ArcGIS platform.

more details
more detailsRenderer

Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation.

more details
more detailsRenderer

Method Details


Creates a new instance of this class and initializes it with values from a JSON object generated from a product in the ArcGIS platform. The object passed into the input json parameter often comes from a response to a query operation in the REST API or a toJSON() method from another ArcGIS product. See the Using fromJSON() topic in the Guide for details and examples of when and how to use this function.

json Object

A JSON representation of the instance in the ArcGIS format. See the ArcGIS REST API documentation for examples of the structure of various input JSON objects.

*Returns a new instance of this class.

Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation. See the Using fromJSON() topic in the Guide for more information.

ObjectThe ArcGIS portal JSON representation of an instance of this class.

Type Definitions


Defines a size visual variable with minimum and maximum bounds. When an object with this specification is applied to the visualVariables property of a renderer, then feature sizes are bounded by min and max data values. Features with values greater than the provided max value are assigned the specified maximum size. Likewise, features with values less than the provied min value are assigned the specified minimum size. Features with values between the min and the max are assigned a corresponding size that is linearly interpolated between the provided min and max size values.

The object specification for this object is provided below.

type String

Value must be size.

field String

The name of the numeric attribute field that contains the data values used to determine the size of each feature.

normalizationField String

The name of the numeric attribute field used to normalize the data in field. If this field is used, then the values in maxDataValue and minDataValue should be normalized as percentages or ratios.

valueExpression String

An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. This takes precedence over field. Therefore, this property is typically used as an alternative to field in visual variables.

valueExpressionTitle String

The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding size ramp in the Legend in the absence of a provided title in the legendOptions property.

maxDataValue Number

The maximum data value used in the size ramp. Features with this value or higher will be rendered at the size defined in maxSize.

maxSize String | Number

The size used to render a feature containing the maximum data value.

  • When setting a number, sizes are expressed in points for all 2D symbols and 3D flat symbol layers; size is expressed in meters for all 3D volumetric symbols.
  • String values are only supported for 2D symbols and 3D flat symbol layers. Strings may specify size in either points or pixels (e.g. minSize: "16pt", minSize: "12px").
minDataValue Number

The minimum data value used in the size ramp. Features with this value or lower will be rendered at the size defined in minSize.

minSize String | Number

The size used to render a feature containing the minimum data value.

  • When setting a number, sizes are expressed in points for all 2D symbols and 3D flat symbol layers; size is expressed in meters for all 3D volumetric symbols.
  • String values are only supported for 2D symbols and 3D flat symbol layers. Strings may specify size in either points or pixels (e.g. minSize: "16pt", minSize: "12px").
legendOptions Object

An object providing options for displaying the size ramp in the Legend.

title String

The title describing the visualization of the size ramp in the Legend. This takes precedence over a field alias or valueExpressionTitle.

showLegend Boolean

Indicates whether to show the size ramp in the legend.

axis String
Default Value:all

Only applicable when working in a SceneView. Defines the axis the size visual variable should be applied to when rendering features with an ObjectSymbol3DLayer. See the local scene sample for an example of this.

Possible ValueDescription
widthThe diameter of the symbol from east to west.
depthThe diameter of the symbol from north to south.
heightThe height of the symbol.
width-and-depthApplies the size visual variable to both width and depth axes.
allApplies the size visual variable to all axes.
useSymbolValue Boolean

When setting a size visual variable on a renderer using an ObjectSymbol3DLayer, this property indicates whether to apply the value defined by the height, width, or depth properties to the corresponding axis of this visual variable instead of proportionally scaling this axis' value after other axes. View an example of this.

// thematic size defined with min and max data values
var sizeVisVar = {
  type: "size",
  field: "POPULATION",
  // features with this value or lower will be assigned the size defined in minSize
  minDataValue: 5000,
  // features with this value or higher will be assigned the size defined in maxSize
  maxDataValue: 1000000,
  minSize: "6px",
  maxSize: "80px"
// 3D thematic extrusion
var sizeVisVar = {
  type: "size",
  field: "POP_POVERTY",
  normalizationField: "TOTPOP_CY",
  minDataValue: 0.10,  // 10% of population in poverty
  maxDataValue: 0.35,  // 35% of population in poverty
  minSize: 10000,  // extruded by 10,0000 meters
  maxSize: 500000  // extruded by 500,000 meters

The color visual variable defines how a continuous color ramp is applied to features based on the values of a numeric attribute field. The minimum and maximum values of the data should be indicated along with their respective color values. You must specify stops to construct the color ramp, and either field or valueExpression to define the driving value.


The object specification for color is provided below.

type String

Required. Value must be color.

field String

The name of the numeric attribute field that contains the data values used to determine the color of each feature.

normalizationField String

Name of the numeric attribute field by which to normalize the data. If this field is used, then the values in stops should be normalized as percentages or ratios.

valueExpression String

An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. This takes precedence over field. Therefore, this property is typically used as an alternative to field in visual variables.

valueExpressionTitle String

The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding color ramp in the Legend in the absence of a provided title in the legendOptions property.

legendOptions Object

An object providing options for displaying the color ramp in the Legend.

title String

The title describing the visualization of the color ramp in the Legend. This takes precedence over a field alias or valueExpressionTitle.

showLegend Boolean

Indicates whether to show the color ramp in the legend.

stops Object[]

An array of objects that defines the color ramp in a sequence of stops. At least two stops are required. Features with values between the given stops will be assigned colors along the ramp proportional to the minimum and maximum values used. The stops must be listed in ascending order based on the value of the value property in each stop. Each stop object has the following specification:

value Number

Required. Specifies the data value to map with the given color.

color Color

Required. The Color used to render features with the given value.

label String

A string value used to label the stop in the legend.

See also:
// color visual variable using stops
var colorVisVar = {
  type: "color",
  field: "POPULATION",
  normalizationField: "SQ_KM",
  stops: [{ value: 30, color: "#FFFCD4" },
          { value: 6000, color: "#0D2644" }]
// color visual variable with arcade
var colorVisVar = {
  type: "color",
  valueExpression: "( $feature.TOT_VOTES / $feature.REG_VOTERS ) * 100",
  stops: [{ value: 30, color: "#FFFCD4" },
          { value: 70, color: "#0D2644" }]

The opacity visual variable defines the opacity of each feature's symbol based on a numeric attribute field value. The minimum and maximum values of the data should be indicated along with their respective opacity values. The specification for this object is provided below. You must specify stops to construct the opacity ramp, and either field or valueExpression to define the driving value.


type String

Required. Value must be opacity.

field String

The name of the numeric attribute field that contains the data values used to determine the opacity of each feature.

normalizationField String

Name of the attribute field by which to normalize the data. If this field is used, then the values in stops should be normalized as percentages or ratios.

valueExpression String

An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. This takes precedence over field. Therefore, this property is typically used as an alternative to field in visual variables.

valueExpressionTitle String

The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding opacity ramp in the Legend in the absence of a provided title in the legendOptions property.

legendOptions Object

An object providing options for displaying the opacity ramp in the Legend.

title String

The title describing the visualization of the opacity ramp in the Legend. This takes precedence over a field alias or valueExpressionTitle.

showLegend Boolean

Indicates whether to show the opacity ramp in the legend.

stops Object[]

An array of objects that defines the thematic opacity ramp in a sequence of stops. At least two stops are required. The stops must be listed in ascending order based on the value of the value property in each stop. Each stop object has the following specification:

value Number

Required. Specifies the data value to map with the given opacity.

opacity Number

Required. The opacity value used to render features containing the specified value.

label String

A string value used to label the stop in the legend.

See also:
// opacity with stops defined
var opacVisVar = {
  // The type must be opacity
  type: "opacity",
  // Assign the field name to visualize with opacity
  field: "PERCENTAGE",
  // maps data values to opacity values
  stops: [{ value: 0, opacity: 0.1 },
          { value: 100, opacity: 1 }]
// opacity visual variable with arcade
var opacityVisVar = {
  // The type must be set to opacity
  type: "opacity",
  // calculate a value to visualize with opacity
  valueExpression: "( $feature.TOT_VOTES / $feature.REG_VOTERS ) * 100",
  // Set color ramp using stops
  stops: [{ value: 30, opacity: 0.15 },
          { value: 70, opacity: 0.15 }]

Defines a size visual variable where data values are interpreted as real-world sizes based on a given unit. Features are then sized according to the real-world measurements, not thematic values and screen units.


The object specification for this object is provided below.

type String

Value must be size.

field String

The name of the numeric attribute field that contains the data values used to determine the size of each feature.

valueExpression String

An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. This takes precedence over field. Therefore, this property is typically used as an alternative to field in visual variables.

valueExpressionTitle String

The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding size ramp in the Legend in the absence of a provided title in the legendOptions property.

valueUnit String

Indicates the unit of measurement used to interpret the value returned by field or valueExpression. For 3D volumetric symbols the default is meters. This property should not be used if the data value represents a thematic quantity (e.g. traffic count, census data, etc.).

Possible Values: unknown | inches | feet | yards | miles | nautical-miles | millimeters | centimeters | decimeters | meters | kilometers | decimal-degrees

valueRepresentation String

Specifies how to apply the data value when mapping real-world sizes. See table below for supported values.

radiusThe point data value represents the radius of a circular feature.
diameterThe point data value represents the diameter of a circular feature.
areaThe point data value represents the area of a feature.
widthThe polyline data value represents the width of a line.
distanceThe polyline data value represents the distance from the center line (one half of the width).
legendOptions Object

An object providing options for displaying the size ramp in the Legend.

title String

The title describing the visualization of the size ramp in the Legend. This takes precedence over a field alias or valueExpressionTitle.

showLegend Boolean

Indicates whether to show the size ramp in the legend.

axis String
Default Value:all

Only applicable when working in a SceneView. Defines the axis the size visual variable should be applied to when rendering features with an ObjectSymbol3DLayer. See the local scene sample for an example of this.

Possible ValueDescription
widthThe diameter of the symbol from east to west.
depthThe diameter of the symbol from north to south.
heightThe height of the symbol.
width-and-depthApplies the size visual variable to both width and depth axes.
allApplies the size visual variable to all axes.
useSymbolValue Boolean

When setting a size visual variable on a renderer using an ObjectSymbol3DLayer, this property indicates whether to apply the value defined by the height, width, or depth properties to the corresponding axis of this visual variable instead of proportionally scaling this axis' value after other axes. View an example of this.

See also:
// real-world size for 3D buildings
var sizeVisVar = {
  // The type must be set to size
  type: "size",
  // Assign the field name to visualize with size
  field: "HEIGHT",
  valueUnit: "feet"
// real-world size for 2D tree canopies
var sizeVisVar = {
  // The type must be set to size
  type: "size",
  // Assign the field name to visualize with size
  field: "CANOPY",
  valueUnit: "feet",
  valueRepresentation: "diameter"

The rotation visual variable defines how features rendered with marker symbols or text symbols in a MapView or 3D object symbol layers in a SceneView are rotated. The rotation value is determined by mapping the values to data in a field, or by other arithmetic means with an Arcade expression.

This object may be used to depict variables such as wind direction, vehicle heading, etc.


Known Limitations

In a SceneView rotation visual variables are not currently supported with marker symbols, text symbols, 3D icon symbol layers and 3D text symbol layers.

type String

Required. Value must be rotation.

field String

The name of the numeric attribute field that contains the rotation angle of each feature.

valueExpression String

An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. This takes precedence over field. Therefore, this property is typically used as an alternative to field in visual variables.

axis String
Default Value:heading

Only applicable when working in a SceneView. Defines the axis the rotation visual variable should be applied to when rendering features with an ObjectSymbol3DLayer.

If the symbol resource is aligned such that its forward facing side points in the direction of the y-axis (the y-axis always points North in WGS84 or WebMercator coordinates), its upwards facing side is pointing in the direction of the z-axis, and its right-hand side points in the direction of the x-axis (the x-axis always points East in WGS84 or WebMercator coordinates), then the following rotation axis will rotate the symbol as indicated by their name.

Possible ValueDescription
headingThe rotation of the symbol in the horizontal plane (i.e., around the z axis).
tiltThe rotation of the symbol in the longitudinal vertical plane (i.e., around the x axis).
rollThe rotation of the symbol in the lateral vertical plane (i.e., around the y axis).
rotationType String
Default Value:geographic

Defines the origin and direction of rotation depending on how the angle of rotation was measured. See the table below for a list of possible values. This property only applies to rotations around the heading axis.

geographicRotates the symbol from the north in a clockwise direction.
arithmeticRotates the symbol from the east in a counter-clockwise direction.
See also:

Only applicable to MapView.

Defines icon sizes in a size visual variable based on minimum and maximum bounds similar to the BoundedMinMax case. However, this specification allows the developer to specify various min and max sizes based on the MapView.scale.

Features with values greater than the provided max value are assigned the specified maximum size for the given view scale. Likewise, features with values less than the provied min value are assigned the specified minumum size for the given view scale. Features with values between the min and the max are assigned a corresponding size that is linearly interpolated between the provided min and max size values for the given scale value.

The object specification for this object is provided below.

type String

Value must be size.

field String

The name of the numeric attribute field that contains the data values used to determine the size of each feature.

normalizationField String

The name of the numeric attribute field used to normalize the data in field. If this field is used, then the values in maxDataValue and minDataValue should be normalized as percentages or ratios.

valueExpression String

An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. This takes precedence over field.

valueExpressionTitle String

The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding size ramp in the Legend in the absence of a provided title in the legendOptions property.

maxDataValue Number

The maximum data value used in the size ramp. Features with this value or higher will be rendered at the size defined in maxSize.

An object defining the size of features whose data value (defined in field or valueExpression) is greater than or equal to the maxDataValue for the given view scale.

minDataValue Number

The minimum data value used in the size ramp. Features with this value or lower will be rendered at the size defined in minSize.

An object defining the size of features whose data value (defined in field or valueExpression) is less than or equal to the minDataValue for the given view scale.

legendOptions Object

An object providing options for displaying the size ramp in the Legend.

title String

The title describing the visualization of the size ramp in the Legend. This takes precedence over a field alias or valueExpressionTitle.

showLegend Boolean

Indicates whether to show the size ramp in the legend.

See also:
// scale-dependent size
var sizeVisVar = {
  type: "size",
  field: "pop2000",
  minDataValue: 500000,
  maxDataValue: 33000000,
  // minimum size to render minDataVal at specified view scales
  minSize: {
    type: "size",
    valueExpression: "$view.scale",
    stops: [
     { value: 1128,      size: 12 },  // smallest marker will be 12pt at 1:1128 scale
     { value: 288895,    size: 12 },
     { value: 73957191,  size: 7 },
     { value: 591657528, size: 1.5 }  // smallest marker will be 1.5pt at 1:591657528 scale
 // maximum size to render maxDataVal at specified view scales
 maxSize: {
   type: "size",
   valueExpression: "$view.scale",
   stops: [
     { value: 1128,      size: 60 },  // largest marker will be 60pt at 1:1128 scale
     { value: 288895,    size: 60 },
     { value: 73957191,  size: 37 },
     { value: 591657528, size: 19 }  // largest marker will be 19pt at 1:591657528 scale

Only applicable to MapView.

Defines feature sizes and outline widths in a size visual variable based on the MapView.scale. It also provides the specification of the minSize and maxSize properties in a ScaleDependentIcons size visual variable.

The object specification for this object is provided below.

type String

Value must be size.

valueExpression String

This value must be $view.scale.

expression String

Deprecated since version 4.2. Use valueExpression instead. The only supported expression is view.scale.

target String

This value must be outline when scaling polygon outline widths based on the view scale. If scale-dependent icons are desired, then this property should be ignored.

stops Object[]

An array of objects that define the size of the icon (or alternatively the width of the polygon outline) at the given scale value. At least two stops are required. The stops must be listed in ascending order based on the value of the value property in each stop. Each stop object has the following specification:

value Number

Specifies the scale value to map with the given size. When the MapView.scale equals the given number then icons (or outlines) will be rendered with the given size.

size String | Number

The size at which to render features at the specified scale value.

See also:
// scale-dependent size
var sizeVisVar = {
  type: "size",
  field: "pop2000",
  minDataValue: 500000,
  maxDataValue: 33000000,
  // minimum size to render minDataVal at specified view scales
  minSize: {
    type: "size",
    valueExpression: "$view.scale",
    stops: [
     { value: 1128,      size: 12 },  // smallest marker will be 12pt at 1:1128 scale
     { value: 288895,    size: 12 },
     { value: 73957191,  size: 7 },
     { value: 591657528, size: 1.5 }  // smallest marker will be 1.5pt at 1:591657528 scale
 // maximum size to render maxDataVal at specified view scales
 maxSize: {
   type: "size",
   valueExpression: "$view.scale",
   stops: [
     { value: 1128,      size: 60 },  // largest marker will be 60pt at 1:1128 scale
     { value: 288895,    size: 60 },
     { value: 73957191,  size: 37 },
     { value: 591657528, size: 19 }  // largest marker will be 19pt at 1:591657528 scale

The size visual variable defines the size of individual features in a layer based on a numeric (often thematic) value. This value comes from one of the following:

  • An attribute field
  • The value of an attribute field divided by a normalizationField
  • A value returned from an Arcade expression specified in valueExpression.

Size is defined in the form of a continuous ramp, which may be applied to renderers in either a MapView or a SceneView.

Symbol size may be applied either thematically, or literally using real-world units. See the following object specification tables for details about each potential use of a size visual variable:

  • BoundedMinMax - Feature sizes are bounded by min and max data values.
  • ThematicStops - Defines two or more stops at which feature sizes are mapped to data values.
  • ScaleDependentIcons - Icons sizes are bounded by min and max data values, but the min and max sizes (and interpolated sizes) change based on the scale of the MapView.
  • ScaleDependentStops - Defines the width of polygon outlines at various view scales.
  • RealWorldSize - Feature sizes are determined based on real-world measurements and units, not thematic values and screen units.


See also:

Defines two or more stops at which feature sizes are mapped to data values in a size visual variable. Setting two stops will have the same effect as creating a BoundedMinMax size visual variable. Adding additional stops allows you to map specific sizes with data values. Sizes are interpolated linearly between stop values.

The object specification for this object is provided below.

type String

Value must be size.

field String

The name of the numeric attribute field that contains the data values used to determine the size of each feature.

normalizationField String

The name of the numeric attribute field used to normalize the data in field. If this field is used, then the values in stops should be normalized as percentages or ratios.

valueExpression String

An Arcade expression evaluating to a number. This expression can reference field values using the $feature global variable and perform mathematical calculations and logical evaluations at runtime. The values returned from this expression are the data used to drive the visualization. This takes precedence over field. Therefore, this property is typically used as an alternative to field in visual variables.

valueExpressionTitle String

The title identifying and describing the associated Arcade expression as defined in the valueExpression property. This is displayed as the title of the corresponding size ramp in the Legend in the absence of a provided title in the legendOptions property.

stops Object[]

An array of objects that defines the thematic size ramp in a sequence of data or expression stops. At least two stops are required. The stops must be listed in ascending order based on the value of the value property in each stop. Each stop object has the following specification:

value Number

Specifies the data or expression value to map with the given size.

size Number | String

The size at which to render features containing the specified value.

label String

A string value used to label the stop in the legend.

legendOptions Object

An object providing options for displaying the size ramp in the Legend.

title String

The title describing the visualization of the size ramp in the Legend. This takes precedence over a field alias or valueExpressionTitle.

showLegend Boolean

Indicates whether to show the size ramp in the legend.

axis String
Default Value:all

Only applicable when working in a SceneView. Defines the axis the size visual variable should be applied to when rendering features with an ObjectSymbol3DLayer. See the local scene sample for an example of this.

Possible ValueDescription
widthThe diameter of the symbol from east to west.
depthThe diameter of the symbol from north to south.
heightThe height of the symbol.
width-and-depthApplies the size visual variable to both width and depth axes.
allApplies the size visual variable to all axes.
useSymbolValue Boolean

When setting a size visual variable on a renderer using an ObjectSymbol3DLayer, this property indicates whether to apply the value defined by the height, width, or depth properties to the corresponding axis of this visual variable instead of proportionally scaling this axis' value after other axes. View an example of this.

See also:
// thematic size defined with stops
var sizeVisVar = {
  type: "size",
  field: "POPULATION",
  stops: [{ value: 5000, size: "6px" },
          { value: 1000000, size: "80px" }]
// size visual variable with arcade
var sizeVisVar = {
  type: "size",
  valueExpression: "( $feature.TOT_VOTES / $feature.REG_VOTERS ) * 100",
  stops: [{ value: 30, size: "6px" },
          { value: 70, size: "60px" }]

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