require(["esri/geometry"], function(geometry) { /* code goes here */ });
Since: ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.6
A convenience module for importing Geometry classes when developing with TypeScript. For example, rather than importing geometries one at a time like this:
import Point = require("esri/geometry/Point");
import Polygon = require("esri/geometry/Polygon");
import Polyline = require("esri/geometry/Polyline");
You can use this module to import them on a single line:
import { Point, Polygon, Polyline } from "esri/geometry";
This module also allows you to implement type guards on geometries, making your code smarter.
import { Geometry } from "esri/geometry";
function logGeometry(geometry: Geometry): void {
if (geometry.type === "point") {
// new at 4.6, the compiler knows the geometry is a Point instance
console.log("point coords: ", geometry.x, geometry.y, geometry.z);
else {
// the compiler knows the geometry must be a `Extent | Polygon | Multipoint | Polyline`
console.log("The value is a geometry, but isn't a point.")